Saturday, September 9, 2023

I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

When you raise a cup, you know that is a cup. When you type a thought, you know that is a thought. When you open a door and step out, and lock the door, you know that is you see, you act, you don't go absent minded.

You are living in a world that you can fetch the people for help, including talking to get help.

I would never imagine me stuck with a dimension you saying 2 of us? 

If in my life, I always surround myself with the "human" in it, including the facebook or some other things in the real eye sight. This whomever guys will also have his own perfect life. If you meant a guy is alone, that is not a healthy guy. NO!

My situation were different, that time. And none of that were ever to be 2 of us, really. No. Those imagination is false.  You watching the TV, there is someone in the story, there is the vivid the human face, that the music, the song, the language you can relate in life.

You mean this is the nice college life. Every year someone grows up, and they all figure it out their life.  The food, the one lifetime dreamy, you don't have to work anymore. The employee dining hall.

Not everyone figure it out their life. Not everyone.

When you lose all hope in life, there is the eating at home

There are the people not in us have created the hell of everyone's life around here. Like Tina's best friend and Irene's both husband. You wonder why a girl will go for those kind of the trash reason of the guy.

My brother eating the bitten melon.

I have no idea whom this Ancient Chasez really is.

The bitten melon:

He has a name Nephrite

You look inside the Youtube, every frame or the channel bothers you. They all succeeding, you cannot contain that 8 billion people, how many people are using the Youtube in every degree to dream about the money, so many small batch of the younger generation are partner to some idea to bring to fruition. You have no idea why they would ever talks to you. And any of those so farmilar face right in front of you, even if you can cut in the conversation, they will never show you what they did behind with the Youtube.

You didn't think that is fake, but everyone is smile-ing and going ahead of their youtube, and you compare their result, and it will never be your end of the computer screen. I remember I used to keep saying that. 

My Philosophy let's say Tina's best friend with Tesla. 

I didn't think the good or the bad, my visual point, I guess I wasn't thinking at all. You don't go and mingle at someone's family, no matter what that person is. Any of them on the Ancient Chinese Drama. Every relationship has a lot of those back and forth things in life in commute, or in talking, or staying on the phone - one of those.

But if I am focus something, and bring that to some degree of what I think I best to utilize to the TV and in general - everyone will tell you, its between me and Judge. True.

But I didn't begin with that in 2018 -2020.

I didn't go and imagine what was my uncle and that Square or that SMTV Mars? Not even SMCH I care a bit what those things meant so true so real? I need to figure it out in front of my own faces. You mean if you are like me, and that SMCH is where I claim 2018-2020 for the UB 2020, I would have emailing her behind, or having her showing up on my side of the TV, that is not me approaching my materials, but you are heading with your own TV, and how does it go? 

I didn't think SMCH is anything relevant to me, I can tell you that. That is a little nurse, to humantarian...oh the donor's prayer's money to make a day of someone else stomach just how much I eat in the retreat, one of those? 

You just meant that time I had no money !!!! That is what you are saying. And did I doing what behind, like trying? (2018-2020)

I saw the Taiwan Youtube in 2020 one full year around.

My attitude just as worse as before, from whenever.... I didn't think, I might just imagine later? 

Otter - Ma Ko

You want to get a hair cut, and get your nail done? 4 limb wipe with some nice fragment, get your beard trim? You are not going to be strolling outside to leave home? You want to try some boiled fish, and some very fatty egg without the egg yolk? You feeling the upper hands someone has to beg you to stay? You know what is a gift card, like a shopping you sitting in the shopping cart, you gonna see the grocery light? Can you even go in?

Ola and Adria probably gonna take that the girls side not the guys doing all that on them. And you....?!

You are exactly what I describe that you are as you? You make it clear that is what you that side every girl join that efforts? Or that was not combine, just they 2 thinking inside their brain? Or everyone else imagine you are the.....header.

A lot of this TV, you saying part of that you dream its someone taking care of you. Money?

You imagine you already have the money. You imagine you are already outside....let's say one of those idea, you seeing the painting, you seeing the outing already right in front of you. You want to pick up your phone and call your parents? 

You have that sensation you getting it all. The guy, the talk, the next day the front door, the car, the sleek, that everyone is agreeing with you. Those UB getting together will make you feel more gluey, except no one telling you that one meal its you paying your own food, everyone swipe that card, ONCE.

Not every single day you saying you and another guy going out, that is not an expense, you have a business reason to go out, or whichever the brain works out?

Tesla is Tesla

The MD program from these stranger to you, you feeling a Class all together. None of them are EVER EVER agreeing with anyone at all, and those situation are just strangle them at the neck, if I didn't make it an easy talk....that is all they wish to do to their parents. You want to join them the MD program with the brain?

How come its not my Line App those hidden things, today I telling them what that situation one Ola and ๅ•†้ž…ๅฆฒๅทฑ, oh ~every single one human will wish to see what she looks like. And? 

We have other things talk about it, between the family. That is not something you love, squeeze anyone with that Tesla in his own business world, he does best. People being happy its closest is your own family. When your parents die out, that guy will also make you feel very alienated. He knows your strength or why you being together with him. He took some part of that responsibility, but your parents is the ones you need the most.

You have to grow up without them. With any guy, its not your family.

And when the business get cold, he will never be with you. You want to know how the difference between the family, you built the world the family, you seeing that person near by you long enough, but still, that is not part of your daddy or mommy. 

Let's say Wing just hand you a glass of the water, or bring some those California vegan restaurant, because everyone outing to this one Square going on and on and on Irvine Spectrum, similar to Square's TV inside plot. Wing took something on the table, such as the dish. Not the waiter, you feeling him supported that day, Ola, or bring your brother Mark, without you. 4 strangers to talk on that table.

You feeling you are not part of the equation. 

You freak out, a lot of the younger kids grown up?!

They look like used to be in UB or the high school. You seeing those face were just like when you were younger, but if you speaking to them its like the 20 years old difference.

Between the guys and the girls, I didn't talk to those Taiwan Youtubers, not in-person idea those we will have any joint parts. They run their own business. In Youtube, you can join any authorship of let's say....the cooking, or no more traveling blog those youtuber, or you saying any kind of the youtube materials. It didn't have to be the Youtuber.

Taiwan is small tiny, so those things sent in when I shut off this 2019 Winter. I remember where exactly I was the winter 2019.  You like those Zen talk, you mean Chris given you a feeling....those have no money, why don't you focus on what you should be doing? 

You cultivate a career, a correct attitude before your parents passing, something steady forward. You have no one to lean on, and you don't go and make it clear, and you what...that guy just coming along the way.

Nick does those "My Master this, My master that talks...." Tamang does those philosophy talks, or Bible one of those too shining for the facebook

You wish one of those Zen religion talk, that remember Chris? He doesn't talk to the normal life as he had a life, so he didn't really like you at all. 

You like the banking why don't you just drop those zen things. Its not about how evolve you to be. Some people doing it for their own head reason. Nick used to do those temple getting up early things. He will go extent life with those traveling up somewhere, to make his delicate to show-up something, and I come along one of those.....he doesn't bother to read any email at all.

You like those discipline things, why don't you just stare at your own assignment, get a job right, talk your career right, hand around your parents talk clear with your career choice. Never end.

Something about wave the horse tail out of my face, will enchanting you someone being polite? 

Why don't you just tell your parents, you cannot do anything normal, not when Chris is around, not right now, or any time, or anything you didn't say, your student mode, your student behavior, its everywhere frighten you, you cannot talk your voice to something to stand in your way. Both your parents sound like they have their own profession jobs to talk like a very normal person above you.

There are so many kinds of the behavior science,, you have to pick that kinds.

oh ~~ the brother is Mark that one.  3 3 10 peach blosson, the cartoon or that is Anicent Chinese none related. Like the man, and revenge to your brother all at the same time. oh ~

People get old, so they bring some thinking with them, just not at the last minute, one of those. When you are parents not around you, the air gets cold. You just ask some friends of yours. You mean it, not every human disappear out of your sight one of those.

There is a certain type of the girls, if they gone to the university and saying a full bed, or Queen size bed, she is okay with another guy sleeping on those small tiny space, and that entire bedroom are the cost shared, and someone next by, or something your sleeping pattern is all right, so you feel as long as someone next by, one of those. I never understood why no one sleeping inside their own bed. You talk about it.

That Ben Still movie, the ending, those bed are so small tiny. Your sleeping posture you don't turn a lot on your own bed. You didn't have to wait til that time to work on your own student formats, and only him accept the way you are?!

You know those older people like nick that time, why I cannot open my door the way I want to.I cannot drag the bottle the way I want to. I cannot take the shuffle pulling the way I want to. You wish someone to tell you what to do. I never understood I have to be with a guy like him really. He bossing a lot. You wish your parents be around and someone bossing you. 

I am telling you, without him, I can do those 10x faster things that I want to, when I am back in Buffalo. Every single time I found out my karma is better than he is.  I used to say that, I did. Some people probably heard that, some time ago. 

Meaning you like a guy to wave a door out of your sight, or something he being polite, and some of those older people do to the easy way how you daily life, without your parents. He tells you about a certain thing like to share a life with you. Meaning a normal philosophy life talk, about the family, about the parents. about the sibling, or all around.

Every normal human does that.

I just told you that nick cannot SHUT UP!

So if this old man die? Not you die..... 

You can just ask the court Judge (that day) if you can keep it

The Beauty and the Beast, for how long. One of those hair line very bold, but very funny they keep those very very thin hair on the very top, they didn't get rid of those hair, it looks bold, but they leave those hair seeing the skull on the top.

You ask if you can keep them for a several dates, or somewhat near, for how long. Your parents raise you so you can only get those dates, of course, its probably they are dead, they are the ghosty formats to why you cannot? 

The Rising from the East the ending Beauty and the Beast tale. 

You want the permission from the Judge or just really asking them what really bothers you. That is really bothering you, the love. Right, that day won't be right now. It might...just how you seeing the life as that. Some people inside really really need a guy sleeping right next by. I don't know if that is the girly idea. I need a full bed. But some girls if they are used to having something near, or something they start to feeling the life, they have some kinds of the philosophy and need to feel the body warm, as if that distraction a voice with you in the kitchen all that, feeling protected.

You talk to the judge, and just ask him or her. For real.

Copy and paste, bring it to the court room. 

1:24...the hair after a few frame. Look like. No, not with the TV. I just telling you.... an idea.

I think it looks more like the other side role couple in the true reality, really.

That is so bad, he freaking out.

The sunday prayer will be schedule....

One of those I can work less, everyone prepare their draft the week before the Sunday.

๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ“ญ Sunday prayer tomorrow 

Like about Brian, need Peyton to beg, so as long as you screaming to Shane, and what else to of those Mark is without I guess, after all Nicky is like JC. The tilting eye brow such as the communism girl poor background, I wonder you saying you looking at your own mirror knowing exactly what you look like, pale, blood low, pale, head faint, pale, pale, or the North Europe, you mean near the Ukraine or the Russian, which country more poor than the other just like that Ukraine is.....

Something so laughable, you don't even know your own blood comes from. The laughing revolving to the beans to the Green Giant man children literacy....
In Chinese just meant the laugh to the pillar revolving to Heaven. That makes the sound ....less than Do Ra Mi....the actress youth used to be, not 3 yet, right?


Tell me how to acting like the comic book, not the novel, just the TV cartoon or the today's technology on the cartoon animation, or the manga in general. I tell you exactly where I coming out of it, someone never had a dying wish, to imagine, you didn't know your professionalism, or you meant you will one day must....abide your own doctors code. Right? 
It meant my tears so not can stop running.....its the feeble or the weak girls ever talk so long that handicap or the pale ground of the modern definition, how far weaken anyone knee will be. To that world of its own society, the Capitalism, everyone lies to the doctor, like you yourself, the break of the life in itself, every Life.

Imagine, someone would just die on the street would never wither or zither a sound of the wind that stands for much of a pride. One of the human error would have told you, the reality of the future ever will be. 

5 mins I have to watch this kind of the stuffs. How to shaken to this Ding ding ding human error, so he will feel....sympathetic.....I am so sure the legal process just make it so more ๆบซๆ–‡ๅ„’้›… at all. 『Softy the Student book worm Confucious nobility.』


How emulating the TV format to say the legally real, someone must just meant it, those money doesn't count, or my breast too giant fat to mocking my facial creme mask line one of those day in the sun bathing !!  Every girl, I am just telling you how to make the guy's enchanting, inside your head chemistry, this is very important isn't it? The weekend to keep busy. 

Rhythm? You believe in it. 

Physic (Physics 2)

Westlife :



If you imagine you to be a guy one day as a boy's body, you mean it you gonna physically hit one guy at his eye or nose, are you? No, I am asking you a question. You believe to taken people's possession and never get caught, and what is the basic human definition for taking people's possession?

Tell me a guy like....whichever him written your profile as his pen touches the paper, "The reason you girls don't bother me Anna 10 years ago, were just a trick of the lifetime of something you don't understand the legal measurement how you look like from behind."

Tell me he despite you like a skunt, want to repeat that 1000 times.

I just mean you can live like that. He knows or I ever know....the rest of the humanity no one knows, just me and him knows that. Or me and ET knows.

No, the lowly girls will tell you, they being honest they theft they know its the cry of their guilty parts. You on the other hand, no one one knows. I know. Your parents pamp you like a little princess, your pride like a witch or anything the TV says, is the highest reason why anyone practice the Quan Yin Methods, just no one tells you.

The forbidden reason, the TV frozen told you. The greatest of all given to you. Exactly like the song. The very very reason Keanu 2500 years ago hear which Dharma saying? 

Tell me the silence of the skull pressing on the wall.

Its bewteen which man would ever do, and no one shows at all....

You need to define a reason, shi, no one knows, why Shane or Simon or Obama or anyone looking no reason knowing any of this, between whose' photo and whom, that no one knows, the feeble and the useless human like you, a shorty girl, with a poor background communisms, its exactly the Kail says isn't it?  I just didn't use my body as this breast too giant to show you, how the girls can make the eternitty looks so funny and tale, not just your head pressing never harder enough on the stoney wall, its how my voice you willl never stop tremble for every tiny dusty I saying so.

Pick it up !!!

That no one knows.....remember that.

You seeing the man like the guys, you seeing the age like God, so many aging man....I am telling you. Try all that, someone being God would forever tell you, what is so Godly anyone will ever do. 

The shorty girl like you with that kind of the voice can only be the maid of the apron like that Ryoya selling, did you see? That head of your skull IQ so low to only maid for Kodek - One Direction, This is My Life, was so becoming this blood low, the head low, tell me what the guy doesn't know? The maid does thing?
oh ~ I don't even know that age line of the lion shout, its not at the 40, in CHinese its the female lion too loud, the whole universe laugh just never the Earth hears....I am telling you, how the throne makes the pale on the face in riot, that Corperation sleek outside and the military domination will never do you, you see....Dolores?

SMCH sherri in this Buffalo in fact was the green bean casserole with the ground beef vegan, reki human like Dr. Steven harifeld, so much this aldehyde Tibetan incent her husband was 1000% degree eye sight Mark, you worthless human with the pride like Reiki, or Tibetan or that Dr. Steven Harifield, the useless human why not die together just by jumping, those timeline stream to that planet not I oversee.
When you begging enough that one day ends, its all you yourself wishing, that thoughts inside you, it was not that you yourself, its how far coming to 101, remember to feeling it the wind.
All that, you won't remember a thing when you are fire burn on the eye trespassing the....falls.
You believe all that or the darkness.....fallen.

Funny, isn't it?
The useless humanity such as you all kinds, when the last line of that dying, to show, whom at the very last...or you yourself the very last assembly of those useless, you see how that Justin to be that the One looking, knock knock.....tell me a guy looks like him it was the teen Top pop.

How the man wane of the image, of that character never built.

Tell me whom I really am, in the end of all this, really.

Just when the guys can step out of my sight,

I am telling you the forever and eternity is.....




Babaji: Go

I just file one lawsuit once for all.

Its every garbage in there. 

Lawsuit 773: I am aware of something like the upper class (barring away not just the 40 years of those rubbery classmate or the prostitution classmate)

That MB stop UFO Seth, no he doesn't know whom stop him.

That supposes to be a free entry I think....

MCAT doesn't have the physics....

Its the outside Earth has the physics and are they anything immediately almost when, 100 years = one century, I am already 40 years old, one of this? 

Did they plot UFO Seth in that best friend position? (this girl = me, he is this girl)

That is the Canadian Rabbits fur police in the Victoria Secret - Blank Space by Taylor Swift (The ending of her hair decorating things. The white and the pink, the white and the pink)

TLC that every locker if someone leave things in there, that entire locker being auction bidding down, and this, again, the rabbit police looking next by Celine Dion TV host, looking so identical when Dean got fat. Next by is the Mimmo looking and he is the black in the VS.

You doing this 10 UB groups activities everywhere, the moment you walking in the room, its every human takes out, you never need this Seth or Dr. Chambler, not the gambling mai, the gambli eeeeeer, prostitutes' (VIP by the invitation only ). I cannot be classified, you starting as the Federal or the State workers, will sound like you have more chances than you ever are to get near, to even travel to Europe their....whichever ESA or Police inside that Conan Detective. By the height, by the appearance, just look at them in the border, right now they just stamp your passport every time you walking it through. You need to have the appearance in any job. The height and the examination.

I want to stay on the ground, I am saying that thousand times, no matter how many times they keep airing this, putting me this, those wind is not predictable, my mood is what I am, everyone else is not I am.  I got the animal Kingdom all over me. I cannot be going anywhere, too many factor of those, that is the ENTIRE natural world leash on one me.

When people making money, they want to making MORE money, that may not be to-do those too pretty face Westlife, I myself to look at myself in the mirror just by how many times 24 hours a day, a mother and me. You know where I was in 2016, that one Keanu Reeves near by that 1500 US dollar ONE Babaji makes me spent, my mother's heart pocket. That is what you mean the Europe, WHERE inside I telling you that bath tubes are broken. Its a rusty water metal whatever that, I cannot rest inside the bath tubes. You thinking people imagine money, OR I EVER imagined, the money at all. 

I am very sure that Babaji is not my parents.

Between me and Westlife have other things to talk about, they just happened to be busy, and I AM SUPER busy here.

He doesn't need to see me as the compete and compared, its everyone really literally going up to his office, that is....another Love of Century almost identical, his gasibo I guess, sorry...jailing island gasibo near by some water wider stream, in those sky color, and eating his moon cake, almost like. Long time ago or every so often, not at his office.  He greets me or them all there, the same front I guess. It doesn't matter. I don't have a project. Not any of those kinds with his unlmited money, maybe he doesn't even use the money, and no one knows that in Heaven or on the WHOLE COSMO. Maybe he still cares about it, the money, I will say that.

What day is today?


Those are ilegal word, I highlight in Chinese 1 and 2.

I re-copy this today's day on the Top (Saturday my time)

Where are those certain Clubs looks like Bill Gates?

Hi ~ there is a word in Chinese similar to you open a New Era - similar to those funding Father idea. You plan to do anything like I told them? They gonna put all my money inside a vault and say that is Ocean 13. The one got exploded, either people steal them, or per bill cannot be lucky enough to 1 bill to go outside. They acid inside those, or legally that is the acid words means whichever the youth in the future, its we are dead. You know what I mean?

On here record my family its ROC, meaning my father is questionable his character just very similar to that wishy washy colored human - MB God human form that celestial one. (Exactly like that TV or worsen, because his color is not Chinese), he is an eternity God. You cannot have that as the part of the character in doubt and I am not here.

Not those Adria or Ola those personality I keep saying it.....but they outside are all liberal enough can purchase a housing outside the City - its cheaper. They probably all have the literacy to look like that Amber in the court. Not VS model next by Leonardo Da Capri. Personally I don't like anything of too many guys all around. Its not just they are the guy's smell alone. They are pamping to grown up or they are conditioned to grow up or the guys they themselves don't like between themselves, but they have to see each other in the very small tiny border line.

1. ่ณญๅฎข、2. ็žŸๅฎข

ๅฎข=ๅฎข  (1.่ณญๅฎข)

You cannot ship your money to my dad, no. I wonder if he is the gmabli eeeeeer + the prostitute someone guest (that word would be Tamang, Wing= gamblier....Dean =Guest =VIP prostituting invitation wise that buyer.)

I am the only human below...but don't do that with me. Never those UB group activities, if they were those obedience human I would have told you. No....not them. Never that Tina. No. She took my mother's money in the saving account that time, the joint account.

No, not ROC. No. But....someone will tell you, that diagram where Tesla did what to meet the Cliff (China is the Cliff, no more), either we are waiting here to be rescue, or what not. Edison going North. 

Sailor Moon, the Wiseman.

Friday, September 8, 2023

๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“ Otter ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“


๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“ Thor is somewhere. That is Kail and me. (No, not Kian. Kail from that Red River Manga, see Lawsuit 770

Where are those certain Clubs looks like Bill Gates?

Hi ~ there is a word in Chinese similar to you open a New Era - similar to those funding Father idea. You plan to do anything like I told them? They gonna put all my money inside a vault and say that is Ocean 13. The one got exploded, either people steal them, or per bill cannot be lucky enough to 1 bill to go outside. They acid inside those, or legally that is the acid words means whichever the youth in the future, its we are dead. You know what I mean?

On here record my family its ROC, meaning my father is questionable his character just very similar to that wishy washy colored human - MB God human form that celestial one. (Exactly like that TV or worsen, because his color is not Chinese), he is an eternity God. You cannot have that as the part of the character in doubt and I am not here.

Not those Adria or Ola those personality I keep saying it.....but they outside are all liberal enough can purchase a housing outside the City - its cheaper. They probably all have the literacy to look like that Amber in the court. Not VS model next by Leonardo Da Capri. Personally I don't like anything of too many guys all around. Its not just they are the guy's smell alone. They are pamping to grown up or they are conditioned to grow up or the guys they themselves don't like between themselves, but they have to see each other in the very small tiny border line.

1. ่ณญๅฎข、2. ็žŸๅฎข

ๅฎข=ๅฎข  (1.่ณญๅฎข)

You cannot ship your money to my dad, no. I wonder if he is the gmabli eeeeeer + the prostitute someone guest (that word would be Tamang, Wing= gamblier....Dean =Guest =VIP prostituting invitation wise that buyer.)

I am the only human below...but don't do that with me. Never those UB group activities, if they were those obedience human I would have told you. No....not them. Never that Tina. No. She took my mother's money in the saving account that time, the joint account.

No, not ROC. No. But....someone will tell you, that diagram where Tesla did what to meet the Cliff (China is the Cliff, no more), either we are waiting here to be rescue, or what not. Edison going North. 

Sailor Moon, the Wiseman.

I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Tomorrow I figure it out that physics - Is this about Comet?

 You have only one way drawing that comet, its coming in the Earth.

oh ~ this TV, you mean Thor living where? Not that Babaji (human-celestial), I say they don't have the windows type?! He has the regular nice house. Thor. Its funny things, just speaking where he should be, he ends up where ....not at his house at this moment.

So I don't need to talk about the physics I guess.

Something happened to this guy Thor....

(I didn't continue the physics)

He descend somewhere else....he is inside a darkness room. He told me to telepathy a file whom what word department getting what? I forget.

To get help I think. This ship its glasses window bar away from his desk near the entrance glasses. I yelling in. Everyone busy. They are all telepathy. He does ....on purpose or something this morning. 

You all gonna get a problem, if you don't becoming a telepathy, they ever told you that outside this situation has to have their agreement, how they transmit you or they know you got hearing what, and transmit back and forth?

This is nothing look good from my side.

Watch a bit.

Those guys or the girls because they are in those jobs. Meaning that is what they are good at. Not the reality of my life at all, you know. I don't like the physics. It just tells you we have a theory starting when, how the light is being divide into the theory.
It will most likely everyone talking about the 20th century, the early 1920 those time.

The wave and the particle. 

Its both. We define that as the both. You go to equator to ....measure the speed of light because the Earth equator its when the sun will always rise, right? That sound right. The Earth 3D is a sphere ball. There is a word in English, not cylinder. Therefore there is a radius of the Earth inside to tell you a formula of the 3D sphere.

The equator is in the middle of the Earth at least you know that. 

You don't know that?! That is fine. Our Earth is tilted, axial so we have the summer and the winter. You don't know that? Right...its you only travel at one place and sit on that land and imagine, because you cannot travel around the equator, that is tiled anyway.....anyway, you just listen to what I tell you. Its at the equator. 

Thor shut off I guess that North America side how loud you all shouting to someone....

Other than the Hollywood I guess.

You are pompeo enough about these lawsuit about whom you are, finding what you are. Yeah, many people have a lot of the hopes. Its not favor the outside border lines them, if those are the one gonna processing all the traffic entry passport situation. Similar to our world Pixie. But ....they are the commander-in-chef.

Maybe I heard it wrong. They are the weaponry idea, not....well, they all have a desk, so something is not intended to sound right. 

When we dead that is how they processing our paper works?! 

That supposes to be on the American President desk no matter where he supposes to be? 

That is a social media.

Since UB 20 years passing....someone would have witness someone has no shame like me ever did.  You just didn't literally asking your classmate, if one of them writing the trajectory of how they imagine they have a life if were them.

You join your conversation with your networks, you keep them as your close buddy to find a job in the future? I need to head to Westlife which side of the line, I is not the PC monitor required.

... I like the cooking, I already file the as much as I ever need right now?! 

I keep the shape or I keep the weight too. 

No, I can tell you are so sure about this gambling of the time span you looking at 20-25 years your fantasy world, they told you the clear results when? At least you asking that. I didn't imagine a lot of things in my life combine this outside world I can hear.

Including the Spiritual Order them. I used to be living in the darkness, very often. I have never have a what?

They suggest you, or the yelling at you, won't be a happy location inside your own offices in life?

Inside a cooking

You have to set a day away from the week, let's say you focus on that foot ware you stand inside your own kitchen. There are the 4 stoves. You would be doing this chopping, cutting, refine something, back and forth to the table where things boiling down a taste.

Those garlic you see its the electricity bill. 

The baking time of that, you could start to boiling the water, and put the pasta in, drain and washing the sink with the cold water (or I usually fill up the cold water in the sink), you add some oil between the pasta, it can sit there cool for another 20 mins, while you chopping the soaking other ingredient to butter in the pot and cook them lightly.

Add the water, add the bullion, or the chicken stock. That things required to boil and them simmering. So you have the garlic pasta later into the soup to be the part of the soup. 

You what? That central BTX women to accidentally to push a buttom?

A strange way saying that....there are many buttom on the TV, that is not where she is. No.  She ...has a desk, not those BTX inside, and her hairstyle ....

... That is a lot more like Ender's Game, that inside professor looking at that kid, that is a glass? That is her desk. No I don't really know how....the whole desk width to the window glasses outside or something. Not sure. That is her office.

... If every women like her, she has a drawer where she put things in.

And me rising up my own desk, just not paper file-ing, you guys took those works away.

Technically, I used to saying that 1000 people I keep seeing, I am so annoying just imagine year after year never ends. It will never be me lacking the human attention, really. I told you I found people whom only knew how to stuck inside a 4 wall room, just by that per degree entry your front door, because everyone is freedom to make your own plan, so are these outside human in their life building a life with their career....

Every school of thoughts require you really organize everything but the princess life. A real job, as if you met so many outside space people in the ship literally process every paper works on their desk, its not those buttom idea, the processing works almost a kind of like those passport border, you seeing the desk, they have the uniform, you don't think the border human have the literacy and the height?

Process any paper works, require at their first day on their jobs, would be.....?

Talk, speak up, listen in English, or in Chinese, and write things down in their own observation? Your demeaver means everyone is your servant or the maid, that is what you make everyone already existing the current job field, or the current struggling, or had just happened in the middle of the Rising up Career, with the movie TV to be that Beauty and the Beast the real human format with the sound effect.

.... I don't have a correct face.

That is the most ridiculous thing I ever witness either to myself because I don't exist (no face), to what you look like, sound like, could be like to enter any lawyer office, for them to enter this 100 years a Micky Mouse, whom I am staring at on my monitor, if not next tab browser for going back and forth. If I am a kid looking, without the make-up,....I know what I look like.

Nothing to look anything worsen if those human has the telepathy.

It would be I blink my eyes never stop.

... blinking !!

I think Fatima is in FDA, one time I saw from this email they sent in...Dean's network, she got so much weight on her too.

Its FDA using her page to me page; Dean's University in Florida, is that his real parents you ever checked? You know Lee at this Mason word, that Mason dollar bill, that Mason what circle, are they existing real, and why they will be on my page Linkedin Profile?

Let me imagine....

Black Ops also is not a normal term. There is not one thing looks too true to be real, you ever checked clearly per word I say, that those wiki words did go next by it, NOT ALL OF THEM on my page because its so easy at my cover front header as big splash as that, NASA has an invitation on their own website. 

No, none of them are complaining.

You supposed to have this page before 2 years that time up since Oct 21th, 2021 I gone back to the UB facebook, I went to talk to some other UB groups, they are the APO, CAC and finding this Dean, Wing or Jonathon. What happened to them at all.

You are all using the same Linkedin pages, really. The outside Earth they are the high tech, not even our Earth here they suppose to be using the Linkedin trying to sound that is a common thing?

My linkedin profile over ( the entire situation)

MD 6+2 to MD 4+2 to MD tw 2 and MD Reno 1 (U of Washington)

Dr. T is SUNY Brook, his wife in UB (Dr. Ester T)

Note: I make everybody else easy, because that is everyone can see right on my Linkedin

(You yourself and the classmate + your parents groups)

Voice Memo: 

MD 6+2 to MD 4+2 to MD tw 2 and MD Reno 1 (U of Washington)  (9:51)

On Earth, because we don't have to go out right now ....

You as the classmate to each other and you as the friends next by each other, are one of those culture, you saying you meet the ends needs. To the whole wide world business including on Earth, they have this looking funny and fish all world, you can say you reading the books, or somehow "how do you lock up inside your own room, to imagine anything else done, its quiet quiet, and all by yourself?"

"Is that the gambling?"

 ( 8:46 )

You understand your own notes. 

When Westlife comes (8:18)

You try to cope my reality or you try to cope your only reality in front of you. My jobs I was a fake .....

When the parents visit you (5:15)

The first generation the parents coming to US.

(I was walking in my room, I forget to sit down. I turn on my light inside. I am panting at... When I talk when I think, I pacing back and forth. )

The conversation carried with the parents (3:49)

Talking to any of you (5:30)

Outside the Earth (Voice Memo) (6:48)

The pride of you yourself as you grew up day they outside kids join the military. I just need to become because there is a TV. They didn't make it the Flower Thousand Bones (2015). They cannot talk to their parents why not, they cannot talk to the people side by side the photo, the audio, the video. The romance they themselves into Babaji, I am very sure they do that in every space air because I am not sure how he meant he exists here every dimension. But every those youth kids try....

Their pry, their loving romance, their money to him, to sweet talk him, to bow to him, to respect to him, to be stern on his works, including the individual Reptilian as well. They have so many tricks and play outside, eternal of everything. But they put that aside when the business its the Corperation business. Their parents will tell you that, I pretend I cannot tell their parents are the factors as well. 

All right, forget about Babaji....

Westlife !!!

Being fan is just copy paste what they do, really. "Kisses and hugs, love you to the eternity of it, BYE~~~~~ come back next time !!!!! "

Babaji like the moon cake, Chinese Ancient old those.

You have the modern tool, one of those.

I cannot download the image and everythiing turns to this ijif file?
Not JPEG file?


He does eat below this third image. Well...I don't think the second image in the above Amazon link or the below image.

He is a very modern ....throne person. There is an accountant he needs to see, the investor he needs to talk to, or financer, or the donor, he knows what is his jobs might be million years how old he is. 

I don't really know what to tell you everything is the modern reason.

I got shown he eats those.

Let's pick 3.

You can all just do this facebook inside where they do this love love love love kisses kisse love love love love you all !!!!!! ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’–


When the celebrity gets the wealth to becoming more higher profile over 30 years, it will never be me. Not me, never me, ever will be me.


My head hurts. The birds change the way they talk. The reinforce every time I should be saying anything, that is what it means.

If they make a sound before, it was = stop. Right now, its the exactly the things to talk about.

My head hurt......

ๅทดๅทดๅŸบไป–ไธๆ˜ฏๅ†ฐๅกŠ Mahavatar Babaji (Human-celestial form) he is not a piece of ice

In Chinese its a brick ice. Thousand years freezing ice


He is a very soft person, like I told you double e if you just stay tune all your open galaxy to stay correctly and legally going up or down. They use the....what is those mice used in the Zootopia wa ka wa ka lady. like 1000 miles above the Earth very North going it down.

ไป–ๆ˜ฏไธ€ๅ€‹ๅพˆ่ปŸๅฟƒ็š„ไบบ,ๅƒๆˆ‘่ชช็š„้›ปๆฉŸๅฆ‚ๆžœไฝ ๅ€‘ๅฐฑๅฐ่‘—ๆ‰“้–‹ๆ˜Ÿ้š›ๅœ็•™ๅœจ、่ทŸ็ซ‹ๆณ•ไธŠ่ทŸไธ‹,ๅฎƒๅ€‘็”จ้‚ฃๅ€‹่€้ผ ๅœจไป€้บผ Zootopia ๅ…”ๅญ็š„้›ปๅฝฑ็š„ ๅ—้žๅ”ฑๆญŒๅƒ่ชช 1000 mile ๅœจๅœฐ็ƒๅŒ—ๆ–นๆญฃไธŠๆ–นไนŸไธๆ˜ฏๆญฃๆญฃไธŠๆ–นๅ› ็‚บ้‚ฃๅ€‹ไธๆ˜ฏๅœฐ็ƒๆˆ‘ๅ€‘ๅ‚พๆ–œ, we slanted tilted axials ๅ…ถๅฏฆๆ˜ฏไธŠๅŽปไธ‹ไพ†!



Too tired~ nap

Babaji: Go

ๅฐ็ฃๆ–ฐ่ž (ๆˆ‘็œ‹ๅพ—ๆ‡‚ไธ€ๅ€‹,ไธญๅˆไน‹ๅ‰่ฌ›็š„)


ๆˆ‘ไพ† file-ing (ไธญๆ–‡ไน‹ๅ‰ๆˆ‘่ชช,ๅœจ้‚ฃ็พคไบบ่ฃก้ข็š„ไธ็ฉฉๅฎšๅ› ็ด ,ไป–ๅ€‘ไธฆไธ็›ธไฟกๆณ•่ฆ) ,ไธ–็•ŒไธŠๆœ‰ไบบๅฏไปฅๆ‹ฟไบ†ไธ€็ญ†ๆณ•้™ข็š„้Œข่ตฐ้€ฒๅŽปๅฐผๅŠ ๆ‹‰็“œ็€‘ๅธƒ ( Niagara Falls Casino), ไบ”ๅˆ†้˜ไธ่ฆ‹,ๅฅน่ตฐๅ‡บไพ†ๅ›žๅฎถ,ไธๆ˜ฏ่‡ชๆฎบไนŸไธๆ˜ฏ้›ฃ้Ž,ไนŸไธๆ˜ฏไป€้บผ

Hailey, ๆปดๅฆน、ๆๅจœ、Dean, Justin Timberlake

ไฝ ๅ€‘็Ÿฅ้“้”ๅทฑ็š„ๅŽŸๆœฌ็š„ไธˆๅคซๅšไป€้บผ? ๅพžๆ–ฐๅธถๅ…ฌๅผ,ไป–็š„ไฝ็ฝฎ,ๆ˜ฏๆƒก้ญ”็š„้›ปๅฝฑ,ๆƒก้ญ”ๆ˜ฏ้žๅธธ่ช‡ๅผต็š„ไบ‹ๆƒ… !!ๆ–นๆ–นๆ˜ฏๆก†ไฝ็š„้‚ฃๅ€‹ๆƒ…ๆณ,ไฝ†ๆ˜ฏ้€™ Nicky ไปฅๅ‰็š„ๆ„›็ˆพ่˜ญ้ฆ–็›ธ็š„ๅฅณๅ…’่ฆ่ทŸ้€™ๅ€‹ Katimss ้ฃข้ค“้Šๆˆฒๅฅณไธป่ง’ๅนปๆƒณ่ชฐๆ˜ฏ 

Ella Enchanted, ๅ…ถๅฏฆๆ˜ฏ้‚ฃๅ€‹ๆƒก้ญ”,้”ๅทฑๆˆ–ๆ˜ฏ้€™ๅ€‹็Ÿฎ็š„ Wing, ๅŽŸๅ› ๆ˜ฏ้€™ไบ›ๅฅณๅญฉๅญๅพˆ้ซ˜,ๅฆ‚ๆžœ่ทŸ็Ÿฎ็š„็”ทๅญฉๅญๅ†ไธ€่ตทๆ˜ฏ้žๅธธ้žๅธธไปคไบบ้›ฃ้Ž็š„ไบ‹ๆƒ…,ไฝ†ๆ˜ฏ้‚„ๆœ‰ๆ›ด้›ฃ้Ž็š„ไบ‹ๆƒ…,็Œœ? ๅฐฑๆ˜ฏไบบ็š„ๅนด็ด€่ฎŠๆˆๅฐๅธƒไพ†ๅฆฎ็š„้š”ๅฃ้ป‘้ ญ้ซฎ็š„้‚ฃๅ€‹ Geni ๅฅนๅ…ถๅฏฆ็›ธไฟก Justin Timberlake ไบ†่งฃไป–ๅ€‘ๆ˜ฏๅ†ไธ€่ตทๅฅนๅฎถๅ†ไธ€่ตท็š„็”ทๆœ‹ๅ‹,ไธๆ˜ฏไบ”ๅ€‹ไบบ,ๆ˜ฏ่ณญๅšไธ€ๅคฉๆ‰€ๆœ‰ๆฑ่ฅฟไธ่ฆ‹็š„้‚ฃๅ€‹ Justin Timberlake.



Babaji: Go

๐Ÿ“ About myself to explain to the Judge, how you argue that with him or her? ๐Ÿ“

"I am aware of these movies, correct. I personally didn't take any action at that time 2014, I would not think of it the first thing when I sit alone inside that movie theater, I think I cry. Tina did the horrible stuffs. That was the time Keanu and I were talk. People tend to have the hope of the investor since 1500. So...that was a sympathy to Tina myself alone in the darkness the first time I seeing that movie. No, not the particular reason I imagine I grew up from the Taiwan democracy world, we don't have that concept as the England, to the SMCH might be what you saying? I have no idea whom they are. No, never care about it."

"To a lot of the claim will be inside this lawsuit, because you might be the one oversees all that or someone behind you or the combination of all cases. There is a reason I cannot claim, I might be a guy. I might be a lot more than that any kind of the original state of that myself until when all of this gonna get solved in the future included century, or thousands year. I have seen I might be a girl, the black hair or the blonde hair. But right now, this current life, as you might have all my monetization working profolio including since 2007, all the things I create online - I have the mind doing things until right now this year 2023, I becoming more aware how serious people looking at that Ella Enchanted, I will tell you what I care the most since I rising up myself including seeing Westlife video, so I say Sammy. Sammy or Martin included. No, they are not in it. "

"I looking for the jobs in UB 2020 time after that running 2018-2020 on the comet and the Flower Thousand Bones things, as you have all that might be review later on, I gone forward to seek a job might be that JOMA Silicon Valley guy. My mother told me too. It was pressing."

"To a guy, when someone does anything behind in a such manner, that a guy is a guy, most time on Earth that is one definition as I grew up. To when I disclose myself in the writing as I am writing all that, you reading it through, no one can get everything done in the Day 1, so will not I found out everything where this JOMA guy capable to keep mumbling on, when people scared me including that Tina Jojo, there is thousand floors to the millions hells how they will end up every single one last them, they didn't think I am capable, that is what the guys means, however the photo art I am so well verse that is what I am. "

"The human is the mortal, you know that will be the material goods on them and the inside home what they made of, every criminal in this world, side by including 3 Art anyone jump in the water that day few days ago I say, a lot of the Asian, they are willing to do. I look blind, I really look so blind."

"To eradicate the human criminal in this entire world, its really how far the technology will stream down, including all this behind I got hurt I cannot proven by the girls."

"There is a difference what I make myself is willing or unwilling at this moment to comment why those moment to which favor of what scenario claiming or not claiming, but I have many reasons and the doubts, the court are working on it, it may take a long time, I don't sit home not to keep working those since 2004 year on, That might be your one year later on the public domain. I saw that movie in Kentucky before I enter the City Of Hope short hair. That was 2003, I got a lot of the witness I was the short hair, broke up with Adam Davis that time. 250-300 people including the 4 Duke people." 

"If I am the guy that situate my own original state or the look or the power, I can say more in the court what these girls behind some guys, what they are or pointing directly they hide behind. They use what things this or that so there is a tomorrow. Literally like a day then there is a tomorrow, you know what I mean?"

"I am not those what you say, the tears inside my eyes will make case one full life time, I meant they will pay dearly in the eternity to come with their parents don't shot them or get rid of them every degree they get off the jail, its the eternity jail."

" Some guys are forever weak and feeble, its by this look, so many this movie or TV, you can decide later, how I so courageously taken on this public saying and willing to hold up a desk with my knee to get up in the BTX end, you saying or they saying the felony idea. I won't be so afraid, to that whole universe outside, it will be every degree the Lords and I, and I never fear to even twikle my eyes or the facial...not cremey, you see....some human never believe it, what a human will is forever and eternity always be."

"Right.... a lot of things being advertised. Correct."

"A lot of the people gone to BBQ on the riverside like Mimmo those. They like those family life when they can keep the jobs. He let Connie save the money, he spent all his money on the kids. That kind. Tony no. They don't use the PC not really. They know what it is."

" know some gay people will spend a load of the clothing money for the ex wife to pay, so that they tell the truth how far they need that one love to both running away. You believe those things?"

"I can only get rid of the things near by me, or too close grown on those image, and they don't live happy without each other, one of those. I need to give myself a reason why I am jealous at all, right? "

"One of those reincarnation theory in the future, that eternity to come, no one will do such a thing, I find out to be they truely unhappy. They might want to kill each other and inside that was a fabric story, how I understand the 2 real guys not in the muddy sand volleyball, mud I mean, naked bra, one of those."

"Taiwan before I come back, there is a starting with nothing to rise up to the Top, the richest man in Taiwan, that time. Then something you want to ask me, the current.....idea. You see, they all hiring those like Irene's brother, now its very giant fat too. They treat people with the few drinks or the food, or not get jealous, but that salary was 50,000 NT, you mean its way too much on the minimum wage about 15 years ago, one of those. We have the military draft and he serves his. Those story in the street is no more true....really."

"They change the military law not this year about last month. We were already years later without the military ABC. No, my brother never did, he is too old.  The professional school needs the age to be examined at 32. "

"I think they gonna change, one day, when they feel like to be draft....not the mandatory draft, they delay like 2 years or something I used to hear, you saying like 15 years ago."

"I can ask.....something in my mind about the finance world. I never took clear these books where they come from. If they are lawful analyze, it means its set in the library book included, I am the librarian train. And those made into the college course such as the business, finance, or economic, will relate to this world finance overall in the Western all sphere including in Japan. Those have to legal in my term. One day as I grew up, I actually witness that time someone broke Japan economic bubble. They do that under the international police or the government? Is that legal? There is a such thing, you get away to live somewhere Barhama island and saying 20 years disappear? 

oh ~ "

"So this book is not so accurate? Because they can do that? "

" Per chart, per image, per graph laws. Those are just on the monitor of the set of the points when we learn some very basic science we knew what the chart is made of the x and y coordinate, I did took the micro and macro-economy. I don't believe ilegal activity, but I am learning. A lot of people don't believe in this world in the larger life, they will be jailed. I touch those felony word is because I know what I look or the generating what not things around me, but its not I open my door to go outside and did what? Those are literally a real crime in the legal standard, they be sent to the court room and be on trial. That is what it means they got caught, those are the ilegal claim or the methods doing things. That will apply to my school environment, I will genuinely says, people their head is broken its not the laws goes ahead?

They think the Royal Power, or the Royal Army over the 7 sea, on the movie, so that end results they mean they walking out of the court room free. I don't think that is how the world situate. But because I am the girl, I will intend to stay away from a lot of the human, to looking at the book the way I know how to read them. I don't read the books anymore. It might be too difficult for me. But i know one thing I say - Not those people, their head is broken when this movie hop on if they did get the compensate. You know what I mean? I thought I specifically telling them never doing anything outlaw, and you can stay away from the every human, will never be the implication such as the bitcoin of the South America if he go or went, and put that photo on the internet. "

"I am very sure they didn't believe a word I say. They think the world its you side by the strength to fake things, everyone never got caught. I think they got caught on the first day. "

"I think there is something very wrong in their brain. I am very sure so I say that in the court, really." 

"Legally blonde, that is the law, I am the blonde, only the laws. Right, I can comment one thing on that like that. If I live long, that is as good as seeing that, next by that, next by that. I am very sure what I see and know and tell. That is exactly what it says."

"Its inside their head. Is that the local American culture?" 

"Westlife? I is one of those road, to see the road block = they like to read the book at home in their own language. They are so different on the stage. Someone if I have the original look, one of those I walking on the road, I stop because I can see right in front of my face. I turn right or I turn left.....probably I will figure it out when the time draw near. People like them need a lot of the time to write. I don't think Ola saying all the right things. Because they still keep the hair. The people whom have the talent, they can do only that particular works, right.

One of that, its some seclude people have a very good talent, they have. That is how evolve in that industry. A kind of like the movie script writing. James Cameron talks about it. I listen to them talk before the movies this all things spinning up. Those kinds of the guys need to stay away from the human and might be happier. Or unless there is a total add-up things, there is nothing why I think they like to read. They used to don't, but they evolve to be inside their couch and read. "

"I thought more if they watching the movies, originally speaking."

 "If 1+1=2, me believes that because of my schooling background, not the novel bookstore fantasy. I will make another person whom has the telepathy solid, it will forever never change, it brings the confident in that he felt. Never that = 3.
That entire groups you populate like that in America, something in them, they are in what jobs? Not the surgical other than the gun man, right? Their hands, their hand sanitation. You believe their brain, I can feel it. No, its not in them the morality, that is why my head hurts. They imagine or will literally tell you a certain thing if you ask them about the laws or the blind means."

"I take the stand everything has to be 100% legal standard met. Really."

oh, I am sorry, I didn't say about Tina did that? That was about 3 or 4 message at least on Vartan's new tricks and play on any of you?

That is every word just sounds like you would ever do, that would be in Feb this early year?

They copy side by side, because the most people I talk to to hear the voice is Shane maybe, not Nicky. That is not possible as you can see the facebook.

The rest of the Westlife I didn't talk that much, you think they hear that so clear this time since Feb, that line by line by line this Tina Jojo so happened I record it all?

Obama is new, so now this situation you gonna tell me...which is which is correct thing?

You want to insist you are right, Ola. Next...

I think this is the one last run away with things, Ola, Next to Obama that frame was dead so many decades ago? The current administrative is Biden, the Mr. President Biden. So tell me your next plan, your next analysis, your next right on things. You only seeing something is right, then I Anna says, or explain, its wrong, so you gonna think you are right again?

No, I didn't get to the court to find out what is the right thing, or what is not. I just say Shane used to look like .....and Seth is another one. No one telling me. You must have told Westlife or Shane something, and now when you gonna say you find out, do you tell Judge, whom you calling them each to give them shit, all that?

So everyone knew we are on the same page, or you lie to the Judge as well?! Tina Jojo best part is already sent to every guy including the Korea or China, this taken off the clothing looks fine to every line she lied to the first ex bf, or the later fake current new on Taiwan island bf, just all those time after Lucy, your everything....keep back and forth.

You don't feel you have anything innocent to do? Too profanity and mistaken 1 to zillion, you want to say, just intuitive, you want what?

Say it louder, Ola your own fake mother cannot hear, your next run away?

So saying ....?! (You got a pride, you make a mistake in 100x fold 10 years later now just the existing photo side by side + the future Running Away)

Do you think Shane knows how I do things? My photo looks like my photo that kind?


Voice Memo:

I just told Shane ( yeah, the phone)

You are so so so so scared to find out you make the mistake. I told you, you keep believing you are right, so you file.

1. System buzz all over on the laws side just like the Harry Potter

2. Shane is a mistake, sorry Simon.

3. Running back is Obama and SImon Iron Man again.

You cannot take you screw it up in life to be that profanity and being seen by Simon by Obama, and by Shane or the entire Westlife + that one Ronan.

Shane, Ronan, Simon one of those, or the President included? As long as that is the guy?

You want to yell at the guys because you want him to know, there is nothing between you and him forever, so you keep bossing at him, or yelling at him, or harsh at him, or dictate him what to do, or just telling him, blaming him included, never stop? It shows you, you got the character one of those?

So you and him talking its because that is a serious business

And he is not the business? He is the business, like you like a man and a women that kind of the business? I think that is the only business really, between you and him being implicate on the TV, so you go and harsh on him, to slap his face, one of those included? I think they, or he or any of them is the business, and there is only one type of the business, its to get to know this guy as the only business, nothing else. 

oh ~ you being calculative to one Simon, got it wrong about 4 or 5 months ago, I Anna says

Not Simon Says anymore? Its Shane says. So when Obama now shows up, its not Loving the Silent Tear Side by Side him one President next by Simon to Iron man ? That is a Black and a Simon? You running back and forth for the claim, because there is an award ceremony or the court room innocent scene?

You buddy together?

And all this time, I never say one thing to you, imagine the entire UB 600 - 1 people hear me saying 10 years, never blame on your Ola? I explains you things like yesterday 10 years later.....oh ! Someone must got that nerve to do things, or got the character to imagine things, not to do the right blame, or saying.

So how many times you need to keep doing this back and forth claim. You must have validate to that claim with Shane, so its me and Nicky? So then, now its back to Obama and Simon?

oh ~ You didn't tell everyone you got consecutively jail inside where for how long, and that is forever running away without telling us, or its just when you feel like this Court must return your justice?

Something happened at Shane?

13 to 30 not 40 to 14 one of those?

I would never go and imagine anything of that, really.

Not in vola, not in ego talk, not in showing it off. I won't even plan to put over here to look at it.

Its just one small tiny cooking, its like whatever undesirable things at all.

I am very sure he has a lot of the brain with the math, and the physics....I think.

But I gonna say math. I pretend I don't have the physics. I know how I exactly feeling about the math. Your brain has a lot of the defects, that is what I would say and keep saying it. 

Just pretend I am the honorable superior, there is a lot of the despite things I hate about 1 to zillion, that is way enough. The math included the first thing in life, in any life aspect. 

oh ~ That Babaji is my parents? (Physics 1)

The uncle, or the brother?

No wonder....Meaning Shiva would be always be that throne, as the....million old human or you mean godly divine on the Corperation urban planning THAT sexual business or that moral codes be bound, or he is on that his math precision....he might be a double E on the sexual business, he is more than a psycho to me I am telling you whichever that combination and turn into the real him looking correct on the throne. Its everything I look at or feeling like is wrong. Never gonna be my parents saying.

I am telling you I don't trust him, he is compete and compared. If 2 guys beat each other those brother I guess I understand. Parents....I don't have a parent. One of those telling me to say the prayers those kinds, I did.....on the right side column.

Westlife Music: 

When a Woman Loves a Man

He looks exactly like that guy, Wallace with the eye glasses, not just sound like, acting like, talking like. Whom? The physics little magic? 

And she is the art committee in her class ?

I think that girl is Kian.

Shane and Kian (watching the ghost film in front of them) = their TV.

Exactly how I seeing the direction, Shane on the left, Kian is on the right. Hugging on the ghost film. Right. I know that. I told you that before. No, that is Kian.

Mahavatar Balaji probably has a lot more those looking right son and the daugther, right....I would never do those things to ending up in the ghost film, like that. Next by. A lot of people asking him for the money, when they done some constructive service at their world, or the countries. Shane and me we afford our own small tiny world, the small tiny happy all around. Not going to him. No.

Inside those life, might be too like some of the people from Earth, they starting with the the debts life. It might be too long time passing so I cannot trace the beginning, but I will tell you when he is in Heaven realm, and those shows up to tell him something and then say, they need the money....maybe just the worsen of all I think.

That is where his office at. A beautiful open near stone water...looking. His original look.

No, not exactly Zen. No....its their air is exactly this color, they don't need the windows. My website background.