Saturday, September 9, 2023

Nick does those "My Master this, My master that talks...." Tamang does those philosophy talks, or Bible one of those too shining for the facebook

You wish one of those Zen religion talk, that remember Chris? He doesn't talk to the normal life as he had a life, so he didn't really like you at all. 

You like the banking why don't you just drop those zen things. Its not about how evolve you to be. Some people doing it for their own head reason. Nick used to do those temple getting up early things. He will go extent life with those traveling up somewhere, to make his delicate to show-up something, and I come along one of those.....he doesn't bother to read any email at all.

You like those discipline things, why don't you just stare at your own assignment, get a job right, talk your career right, hand around your parents talk clear with your career choice. Never end.

Something about wave the horse tail out of my face, will enchanting you someone being polite? 

Why don't you just tell your parents, you cannot do anything normal, not when Chris is around, not right now, or any time, or anything you didn't say, your student mode, your student behavior, its everywhere frighten you, you cannot talk your voice to something to stand in your way. Both your parents sound like they have their own profession jobs to talk like a very normal person above you.

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