Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Its just one hour for you girls to stand on your feet.

You step on the ground, your hip goes up to the waist, you seeing some of this you lay your back on the yoga mat, those? What do they asking you to do? That is painful to me.

So I just lift up my thigh up to higher my waist, you think you keep doing that, its not pulling your muscle or your abdomen muscles. (I sweat already) 

TV: all Chinese Drama where the modern setting including the Korea, the mother's yard those modern setting the furniture

Its a sleek of fast pace of the City life - the very future Capitalisms similar to almost seeing that Downtown - mid town Toronto, except high speed transportation or those setting of the technology. People are nothing but sleek looking.

Mahavatar Babaji when he wants to talk in that whichever idea, he means something clearly, so I interpreted for him. Not those village country girls, or any village farmer side of those hand made bag. You have a factory pre-made the school buying those. That is what Tamang has the pouches, its a teacher pre-order of a package, and you made from those pre-made, learning how to sew, or the calligraphy, or how to use the razer in the art class. No more this without the education trying to sing like a singing bug, you deliver a chocolate to make a heart sing, every stupid little things that looks like Adam or Hailey in this entire city, where you spell yourself to those China drama. 

Side by side, every word of it, if I meant it true. Looking into all these youtuber's eyes, how tired those worlds were just a comment someone random to enter, a free comment. Nothing else substance in it. How tiresome, how trying to smile to get things right. Worse than if you were in the school to get things right on the first day.  At all..... haha.

EU those are the politics

American Congress are the politics

You imagine where else existing the Central dim light. You define that as the Pixie, or you define the outfit of the country born red neck. Of every language does not worth to live on life, how pity and hygenic of the bad chicken running without the head, just as the slang as the blood bad, to say smell your own foul, if not the breath.

Its one of those convivence of the city life makes you amend that Bill of the summon I bet. 

How low the dignity of the beggar's life at the traffic intersection. 

Identify every frame of this 100 people in front of you

What's wrong with them, per circle of the faces. Every trajectory of the life choice they so willing to show in life, every degree wrong. Nothing but wrong.  The look, the eye brow, the vola, the true scene of the future in the pit falls how soon will fail everything. Its funny..  Everything is wrong....haha....The day I open my mouth to say that one word, you suppose to identify 1000 human just sit on the bench in the park or the road, How to Thinking Grow Rich - exactly how to rise up from the East means. 

You didn't think those jobs exist the first day I use that word, I invented....then its really eternity sad, that was starting in 2017. The open date mouth was Jan 2018. You try to explain to me how they all looking like Kenshin, any of you bribe to Pixie ends. Nothing but lying to you, the estimation of what?

Let me imagine what I think anyone would agree....your lacking back time, lay back fooling around the girls time, were 5 years exactly more so and gone. Tell me whom to deliver a what job. Someone made it to the Top will have told you how every step you were not paying enough attention at all. 

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