๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“ MD 6+2 to MD 4+2 MD TW 2 + Ph.D, MD 1

I am very sure I need to create another website, this is at d. The url website.

  • Cooking
  • The personal hygenic
  • Your 4 limbs
  • The women's health
  • The women and the kids health
  • The senior care
  • The primary parents original country comes from
  • The combine primary parents original country comes from since 20 years ago

Meaning not all dead near by friends or the relative, at least you can ask your parents what relative they ever got and whom dead. You have both the America and Taiwan hospital you imagine the bills or the billing. Anna she says she will NEVER have anything with ANY of you doing this to her. 

In 10 years (you teach that one guy)

You know you are not confident, that is what I am saying. You are not all that sure !!! Your hands are shaking or you are alone by yourself. 

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