Exercise, shower go to sleep.
Babaji: Go
It takes too long, it was the floor mat in my room, then the bathroom if not laundry then its the floor mat. You have to scrap on it and sun dry, sun dry.
Everyday this water sink has a hanging mop, and that is going out let's say at nap, and when I woke up, that mop is dry. The water around the sink. I have to rinse my face, my eyes, my teeth and my face? That is my head always under that facet ~~~just not every hour because there is no guy in the house.
My phone is on the counter in the middle of it.
Let me guess why that is back and forth that side window, my mother side of the Kitchen, (shut up birds), the 2 ways parts the bathroom, sorry, at the bathroom, back and forth running.
If your American CNN calling one of those days American President their Congress Meeting at night, their night our day time, its running 3 ways, because the living room technically its turning left !!!! I got freak out why they are at NIGHT?
That is the movie plot, not the real life in front of my faces?!
If you have a full cleaning supply, that is everyday a water, going on the marble, doing nothing flying that way, coming back this way. Doing nothing on the bloom flying right side, left side, the living room to the door, every floor to keep moping at it, really.
Every day you looking at that stick, its a desire....really. The Home Network Shopping, they are re-stock, but the Chinese Smart Living its the water bucket smart ~~ when I was in America, not sure UB I saw that, or invention its a bucket design.
When I was in the grade 3, 3rd grade the elementary its 5th floor water bucket carry it down, I am at those wide spread stairs one middle 2 side left and right going up, I mop with my kneel on it. Its a bucket and a mop, I told you the stick dry for the leaves, its at the boy's crowd them, outside ~~~ where the sun too bright at the eye. I am at the indoor stair.
Then 5 kg, and then 3 more, 2 more 2 kg more?
The way I look at my own structure to I remember what I saw outside or America, this chart I am reading online and the height to the weight.....that is already overweight the way they look like, to look correct to me, or I thought that was correct in Western world.
My original plan is 68 kg to 66/65 kg, then gets to 61.00 kg to break down 60 kg down.
I had to gain weight for the ending of that BTX ending, we were the paper works finished March / April, the actual that MB God Babaji has to sign it, or the human-celestial Babaji too? July / August 2023.
You can stand straight ~ I have to pull the curtain in the noon time, its too bright outside the sun, my entire room to the Kitchen are two side bright light.....too bright. So if I walking that side, and this side, that is back and forth?
Today Taiwan news were talking about this Ice Cream, or the Icy sweet things local here. That is very fat, I am telling you the refine sugar inside this small tiny container of the ice cream. You all girls should not go to this freezer Wal-mart, those....that I have seen, but I was a vegan, they sell a sandwich in the middle are those Tofutti stuffs. Is that made of Tofu?
That is why no one eats them, just hear about it, right....
They say after COVID 19, people go to the karaoke and eating the hot pot, that is disinfect your entire food if you cook them, right.
The diet
Like I don't eat a lot of the portion if I eat earlier, like the morning time is the fruit and then some of the table food my mother put there. Then lunch is the remain, so there is no dinner, not a lot of the food. I eat them recently and watching the movie with the ice cream, yesterday.
Right 70.30 to 69.85 kg, but 2 days ago, I didn't stop exercise? You saying one hour in the morning. 15 mins lunch or before lunch, you make that time adjust, you understand you do that one extra 15 mins. Then the afternoon another 1 hour or 2 hours, but I have to watch the movie, so I stand when I don't eat that much of the food.
Finding a support group
Your shape means to you when you saying you gonna meet a friend or some girls or the guy's friends to appreciate your efforts. Keep a diary, sometimes your feeling count, or things in life you want to write, and it makes your head lighter. Your dream, your detox road, your weight program, your psychi space, your meditation sense, all that....
No, I don't have the diary, its on the, they talking about it like 15 years ago, and later on I reading them sometimes, I know MH earlier, but I never knew there is a guy's name Dr. John R Christopher. Later I know they are connected, ~~ the random book I open and close, landing on a blind doctor.
Right...the eye sight gone baby born, has a no name doctor. The book author is a women, didn't give his name. Me and my ex bf sits there brainstorm how to google this term, so later its this Dr. Christopher shows up.
減肥叫做 losing weight.
這種你們講贅肉,或是講肥肉的意思? The fat ~~~ 掉下來手臂,那我說上手臂這件事情有點像一種健身機器,你們好個台灣 Youtube 在電視上,講健身的,那其中裡面有個機器,在家裡自己動手臂,我尊上要躺著,所以就原地踏步,呼吸一次,十次,一百次,吸進來吸出來,人要活著就是做這種細小的東西,無論如何,你們好像不太 care 這清海無上師這種打坐團體,是兩個半小時 ~四個小時 SMTV 工作的關係。
不是蒙古小孩那種吃牛奶、起司那種、蛋的關係 ! 很隨便的關係,這電視講古裝劇就是在講一種 discipline. 做人什麼叫做走一步千刀剮 ( 傳統的美人魚故事,不是現代版的 ),那你說要怎麼辦? 自己的健康自己學會照顧自己呀,在海外不是讓爸媽擔心吧 ?! 講在家裡就是躺著睡覺休息呀 ~但是講減肥,那是一腳一步,要做到動到自己的身體結構,講呼吸,講伸展,講走路,想小跑步,講飲食,講 calibrate 自己的整個情況,對自己負責。
常寫身體 (男女生,女孩子下體), 我早上會換內褲重洗,講一個晚上矇在那邊吧 !
常常洗完手,肥皂之後就洗眼睛,洗嘴巴呀 ! 洗皮膚
我昨天不是在你們化妝很多,眼睛附近要怎麼卸妝? 那臉部的整個皮膚怎麼辦? 尊上要常常洗,頭下去洗,洗整個水缸,洗廁所,這人工智慧台灣的馬桶,國外沒有呀 ~那這所有東西都要洗,地面的,地板的,這洗澡的整片玻璃,牆壁,水桶,這所有東西我媽洗嗎 ?
在做夢吧 ~~~~她洗她自己房間的!!!
我洗鍵盤的,棉花棒,我常常發現新的東西就一直洗~~以前是醋,之後是酒精布,之後那就換鍵盤,那就棉花棒戳,因為你們有那種 Youtube 做這種鍵盤一個建一個鍵打開,我也很好奇的關係 ....
這是 Shane, Shane Filan 西城男孩主唱。
Cook the meal
Prepare the assorted food
Make the accommodation pleasing whichever that indoor.
The bedding
The food stock (lasting 1 to 3 days)
TV set up internet wired, be on Live.
Internet set-up
The first aid, meaning your traveling packs, your own traveling nail cutter, your iodine or peroxide when you arrive, the bottle of that, the bottle of the medicinal alcohol, the pads, the bandage.
So why don't you make yourself useful?
10:37 斛珠夫人 EP12
Ronan and the Food: What is the last day on Earth before, you will eat the 3 meals a day?
I would be really cooking that fully cooked, really.....Never a date forever on that, really. Actually you need to boil all your utensil in the boiling water, as the standard of every household in this pandemic. Just because Asia is super dirty, that is occasionally a big pot cooking, or when the money available, a brand new set of those stainless steel cooking pot to boiling everything in it, including the kitchen cloth wise towel. The Asia too dirty, so it used to be on the commercial all the time as I grew up.
The Chinese Food:
The Vegan Cheese:
The kid meals = 10 eating hours a day with the snacks, or those set of the side dishes never end:
Morning to shine never ends, eating or drinking the kids beverage hydration statues.
Losing weight:
70.30Kg, its 69.85 kg, I have to eat. We go back to where it used to be.
Losing weight included, the tear gland included, the pelvic region of 2 horizontal line if you can just take that entire system out....
Voice Memo: (10:40)
1. Urine
2. Sweat
3. Tear
Is the only correct answer? WHY I TALK ABOUT IT. Your multiple choice can only have that 3 things.
Not this Otter talking, you talking
This must be really funny, really.
I am sure your dignity being a medical doctor is a lot more than this, or being respected to all around including your own family or the relative. And you work up your career as one of those correct American Medical Board Committee Board or the hospital committee investors them should have one of those money sign you staring with your eyes sight at.
Keep saying how they make you, make you, make you....
50 States of the American medical licensed board, a real doctor degree as long as you ever lived?! The longevity you must comply?
- The hospital business like the foreign investing in China
- The medical equipment such as the CATS scan
- The American medical board committee
- The 50 states American medical licensed board.
- The pharmaceutical and the medicine sale in China, such as in the pandemic period of time like right now?
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Walking straight like you know how to walk with your skeleton up. When someone falls, you know where to call, calling it, talk to this person, where to stay with him, calm him down? One of those?
Ear, mouth, eyes, skin, with your brain to think (nose).
None of those are the Chinese medicine covered now in the insurance at your own co-pay in America. You are not substitute every single job to pretend you have a title. You just pretend that is the things and get to say, or tell why you think the human health in some longer planning including....
1) Their diet life to eat with a taste immediately the next meal.
2) Their life oriented goal to solid a bit their mental anxious or the crowd too nervous felt
3) Their next relationship if this one does not last, how you believe you will be seen in which age world. The TV, or the guessing, or the money, or the family background. Its an accord relationship if just for that very reason, no one gets to worry from your parents side, to where you think how smart you getting yourself through.
Maybe you really trying hard too much on the look out this American do to you at the local.
Filling up the address, at the counter. Taken the bus routes how to get from the City this one block just walking down the bus steps, and walking in, "Sit down", you dress up be that bimbo, and live in that routine because that is someone you cared, or the frirends, or something you are not needed inside the hospital 24 hours, will sound like a decent human does a decent thing.
"The hospital machine cold water has this warmer, to make a lukewarm water. This is my cup. Yours?" (hand a cup)
"They invent that machine with the temperature on, you could see that label, next by its the blood test, you (my mother) want to go first. I wait here, your bag?"
"The health cards at this high tech monitor the number digits on top is .....not my number, but next by there is a clock. Right next that isle is the bathroom. I go?"
"Just 5 mins, my bags you watch for me?"
"See this color white cloud inside their corneral on this door here says." "Right, grandmom I took her here to do the surgery." "How does that go?" " !$#@$!#@$#!@$#!@$!#@$"
Filling up the address, at the counter.
And filling up the health insurance information
Maybe I didn't repeat that enough what I say here why I might lightly hint you, the age of you yourself, or all those around you immediately love by you needed these procedure, learn by themselves, or learn with you, they already know, you learn with them to make the entire process easy, the money, the asking one extra question for them, to talk more reason behind them, if they forget something?
You imagine your mother always be with you, what do you carry the bag, what do you put things in it? Your identification card? Our City is a high tech if not enough to show you that entire process myself last time?
They try to hear about it. At least they vibrant in life to be happy in that scale. When I was growing up, they put up a lot of this Corporation Japanese Son (too handsome or the family too much money) - the very fantasy romance.
I show it to you once. The guy or the girls. I think they target at the girl's audience, that would be 25-30 years ago. When I grew up, I think that is a fantasy, right now I think they might just all literally open to look for a wife tale those tradition Japan culture, exactly like the TV means and say. When I realize that, I was shocked, I will tell you that. Into Japan. The TV is the money driven paparazzi world included. Technically when you seize the fame, you wish to seize the power so a part of that would be clearance idea, not just ROC issue. The Corperation is not the Party issue. None of them tried to listen but at least hear about it. They are all different.
With Japanese
A lot of the fashion, make-up, the hair style, the cute, or the idea of Sex, or the virtue, or the cooking. They put all that on the TV monitor or I will tell you as they grew up in that entire world, some girls just know what that is.
Taiwan, no.
If you put your eyesight focus on what putting on right outside my yard.....sorry, the Earth outside yard (Solar System), it might sound a lot more educationally required, how you get from here to somewhere, might be just very a neighbor planet in itself at all. At this moment, that might be needed? Not just holding up a microphone you don't know whom to talk through and what you hold up 5 mins until that job is present and get done?
Its not their everyday learning, what about my life?
Not Dean. The life routine. It was just 2 human life, not that difficult. He drinks, I drink. I drink, he drinks.
That gay guy, I think either something like Harry has no money, or there is a connection how to target at someone be seen like that. That rock n roll he himself, one of those anomly white gays. Ruins me or ruins the British family its by hearsays, trying to see which one is easier to get to.
Yeah, I think its like that.
Their father 2010 was bankcrupt I say both of them to the consumer besuru.
Mary Singleton married to Bill, handicap a Steward, very very giant fat 3. Adopt a mix Elizabeth Korea little girl thin 8 years old, that time, it’s American looking more. The look.You run you own Royal guard team? They are not navy.
Voice Memo:
This is the first lady school (high school)
The girls like you all make a sound other than the important things to say, it is very very annoying and hellish to me. You keep using another 5-10 years to realize....I can tell you that what you don't believe that was serious from the medical board. You will realize that in those time interval.
You don't realize you gonna get old?
Your body physical condition. You will realize you buying an alcohol wipe without your parents there, or the iodine, or the bandage, it looks normal, not fear enough when the wound its on your own body and panic.
You ever thought about that? I am talking about you, not your parents.
Let's say the Ancient Chasez, his "image" of himself or the current alive somewhere in a healthy world other than those worlds......whatever that is, you be happy that shouldn't be true, it was a Past. It didn't mean that one Man you gonna get near, its not the same.
1) Washing 4 limbs, 2) washing laundry in the dorm room life 3) the coin prepare the pouches 4) the missing the home food or the mother's at home 5) missing that their own classmate or the groups activates or the aviation friends. 6) A very brief moment seeing each other was a nice hallo goodbye, but carry on a responsiblity so much more about this...
194 countries why don't they just move their office chair with your both hand, to sound like you have the height or the skeleton strength. I seeing too many people for me as a girl have ANY illusion in any faith of the girls or the guys.
Seeing that long enough, you start to believe the human is born in defect, and will be one of those seeing the real human imagine inside too.
The image or the human inside as whom he is.
Sometimes they don't go and modify this classify material, they go along with it. They understand what that is. I believe it. He expresses that before, if he could be the students forever, and here he got the chance doing nothing but that Zoning line. He focus only one thing - study.
10: 37 Is there a reason makes me doubt when you first pre-med, it was a lie?
And normally what does a doctor should be doing? Talk like, thinking like, compassionate like? In those New Age human for 2012, you do know a lot of people buying those hearsay since 2000 years, one of those crossing the time, we all gonna?
So you didn't research a thing about, meeting your star family never will be?! A lie.
Right now 2024 / 2023
I actually believe what they are made of the American Medical Board putting that title at this each institution for your one lifetime you die there, in that zone of keep studying until you make it. They give everyone time to figure it out that one. You know what I mean?
I keep updating them, its my courtesy, not any of you trying to tell them your own progress, really.
No, the Royal family probably didn't know his father is a real psycho like Simon, so that is a heart taken if that examination coming out he is the psycho. Its a family tradegy as if. Not the family member wants to know their own family are all psycho. I personally didn't have them for my lifetime, now its just beside a little bit, its not I getting used to, its...I guess the medical profession jobs just to live with the handicap people open your mouth and shut up your mouth, one of those.
My mother helping me this left neck since last time we laser it in the private clinic, yeah both of us knows how to do that. 8 of them. I process my right leg.
What you gonna do in 3 month + 1 week or however long just breath day on that empty air.
Do you have the kids? I am not sure. So you go and see your kids that indefinite breathing the air, and not sure this is the fake or real you mean your selecting your lists of the 3 months gf.
I tell you this goal would be, its not every weekend her in-law family. Its about your own life.
Meaning you deal that as the mature adult to grow the next 20 years and hope in 20 years that you understand an inside relationship will forever, eternal, NEVER EVER to be that Middleton sin forever in hell, you are not building up anything, not with her, not with her entire junk yard sale go to hell family sign forever, abyss.
Not that aggression, not that liberal, not that tone of imagination, not that eye sight, not that shoulder you are the pain, not that witch bewitch soon be green-showing on mode to her face aging problem or your medical bill issue on her skin, spot, spot spot.
If you can just delicate as the family between that one relationship or whichever you can grow, you can polish your language, your hope in life, your skill in life, your everything in life. They say that is a curse, that is cursing long enough never stop on those camera seeing, every frame of it. How soon she turns green witch bewitch, hell of a witch bewitch greenie, not granny. Death behold on wish? I am the God?
Every girl or the women forever will have that imagination how truely valuable someone means to whatever their parents don't call for 20 years, they will know the hell of it, the future.
Right, siner whore? Your ID?
6 people cut in half, that is a middle
Ton = painful 疼
meaning ouch. When a women dare to open a mouth to say that so loud blonde, I mean hell you will go, understand, every single women on this Earth.
Not that word, I say every word does not breath out of your mouth with one skin touch of that flappery tongue, and you are all so well wishing to keep doing it the liberal. Suffer that shall see, how lasting you will ever be.
No values, no reason to live, i mean it. Die.
How is your dad, remember? We talked. Concubine? 26
Legal lawsuit, sure...say any 3 girls inside the family, the heart magic, fake. One of them is fake.
You're welcome.
With my permission sign.
10 Subjects lines. You do not blink with your eyesight. I know what Twilight means exactly. We begins Era, when human and the money is not that so in a rush, I know exactly what it means I do my jobs at all with a language I never speak about it.
It won't matter where I will be, that is what I mean.
Get rids of all these UB name list at least 1000 years begins with my signature. The rest the humanity can carry on.
And the beginning would be Prince William with that funny hair to his mother?
Then whom is this Chris Pine? Every new face greeting looks farmiliar, really. Was the opening were like Bashar or Thor that Iron man inside, so OU, that entire world, before the baby deliver, one of those saying?
The good memory.
As this left eye hurt Chris Pine entering this Enterprise Ship, that Funny Head hair guy in his position, you 2 wants to comment this far?
My comment: They do training for the minority such as the Asian Chinese or the Indian, the boys and while they putting the bleed and the minority of the ugly all around, its not because they can die. Its just as worse as I have ever says, your don't have IQ, you don't have spirituality, and that destine to hell, will soon consume you inside and outside, every part of the cursed worlds, never end. The generation after generation, the witness all on the board.
Tell me about 2009, that one eye was my eye incident.
You 2 will never be like my brother on the first frame, someone making the guys like them starting the Sailor Moon transformation, this funny all magic spell, makes the whole world laughing never end. 194 countries while this history before your psycho dad every tried that once again, you will see how much the jokes per movie, every citizen witness you all be hang and blood shed this time. Capish?
That means the entire British goes down, if you must insist one more funny thing.
Ice cave
Script line: Bullet shit after
Sitting across each other, the transcription team: "UB"
That tall super man got hit on his left arm (drive to the black hole) - Chris Pine says he is going with him, hit that arm. Right. That is a inter-space transmission "stage" , all those lighting, with the romance couple standing on it.
Comment: All Asian Taiwan / Chinese this basic physics (cram school teacher), you deduct once, I can repeat and make a new. That is 3 years materials you expect people doing it in EF after summer without that 1 years in KY to manifest 3 years material in the end of the 12 grades. No, I went to UK if you remember that.
I just told you what it is here in the movies that's all. Before they got transport. You just mean how people repeat back to you in the "deductive" manner, in the physics. Similar all these physics I show you, you should know there is nothing but from Asia physics.
Comment 2: No, just the beginning when his mother dead, all the committee board stood. (The beginning of the movie) , Chris Pang Jao, his mother is not dead yet. Its me deliver the physics, not Tina, nor Pang.
I assuming, you don't want to be the first human be sentence to hell before the whole humanity, if that once of the lifetime begins at the footstep, any of you 3 brothers looking tales.
(Typing, I think the TV right now its all the dynamic motion of the mechanic forces. Its the physics, no, it will not be Andrew the Chemical engineer. No. )
It means you are on your own.Comment 3: I need something else. The eye glasses its very very strong on my eyes. I do use it for this movie at the beginning, but its years I don't wear it anymore, so I don't even read all this too good looking news channel below those 跑馬燈, I don't think at that time my money will be an issue.
Some money cannot buy. I got the birds here for my vision and correct tuning. They seem to be very skillful. Is there a way this vision will continue to going, its really too strong. left did got damaged before. The contact lens. No, watching the TV is fine, the headache with the eye glasses.They don't require to be the monk at this moment.
...... lion or magic clothing closet?
Her name "dwarf" is an Olivia?!
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
oh ~ you called that the witches and the wardrobe ! ! Pettite....lar...that is the sounding of the Harry Potter in British accent? Funny. The vice principle says. I cannot understand they meant it per sound or per syllabus included in the movie. Did I tell you what I used to do in SMTV? The transcription of the audio file. In English right. They speaking the standard American English.
Star Trek (movies)
The fish what things coming out of this black hole looking.
Right....believe me, this things is real.
"Next to his mother we need one extra bed."
"His sister has 2 kids."
"His uncle has 2 kids."
"We need about 10 room and one personal suite. Me living in it. "
Imagine the things right, copy and paste?
Aren't we on this Chandler (FRIEND) with Russ
Those garbage things in Vermont were in the Silicon Valley, every mliitary base copy my English or Ancient Chinese - one billing, they use their military base computer copy that, the entire outside right outside our Earth, its on their monitor.
What language I speak?
That one billing?