Friday, September 15, 2023

Why don't you think every single time you arrive to a new have to


Cook the meal

Prepare the assorted food

Make the accommodation pleasing whichever that indoor.

The bedding

The food stock (lasting 1 to 3 days)

TV set up internet wired, be on Live.

Internet set-up

The first aid, meaning your traveling packs, your own traveling nail cutter, your iodine or peroxide when you arrive, the bottle of that, the bottle of the medicinal alcohol, the pads, the bandage.

 So why don't you make yourself useful? 

I don't think you realize what is what really in life where you set that aim at the most immediate or the most near things where the comfertable life only gears toward that other than everyone else gossip at all. 

Where the eye sight should be at the furthest horizon, no matter what....

3310 Mark and his wife

The Mansion - the eye sight for real, I keep saying the fake.

I wonder all this time, In Time, Runner Runner, I ever had any of your mentality, how long the life that really spells at.

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