Friday, September 15, 2023

After you eat, you don't jumping around. No...

You can stand straight ~ I have to pull the curtain in the noon time, its too bright outside the sun, my entire room to the Kitchen are two side bright light.....too bright. So if I walking that side, and this side, that is back and forth?

Today Taiwan news were talking about this Ice Cream, or the Icy sweet things local here. That is very fat, I am telling you the refine sugar inside this small tiny container of the ice cream. You all girls should not go to this freezer Wal-mart, those....that I have seen, but I was a vegan, they sell a sandwich in the middle are those Tofutti stuffs. Is that made of Tofu?

That is why no one eats them, just hear about it, right....

They say after COVID 19, people go to the karaoke and eating the hot pot, that is disinfect your entire food if you cook them, right. 

The diet

Like I don't eat a lot of the portion if I eat earlier, like the morning time is the fruit and then some of the table food my mother put there. Then lunch is the remain, so there is no dinner, not a lot of the food. I eat them recently and watching the movie with the ice cream, yesterday. 

Right 70.30 to 69.85 kg, but 2 days ago, I didn't stop exercise? You saying one hour in the morning. 15 mins lunch or before lunch, you make that time adjust, you understand you do that one extra 15 mins. Then the afternoon another 1 hour or 2 hours, but I have to watch the movie, so I stand when I don't eat that much of the food.

Finding a support group

Your shape means to you when you saying you gonna meet a friend or some girls or the guy's friends to appreciate your efforts. Keep a diary, sometimes your feeling count, or things in life you want to write, and it makes your head lighter. Your dream, your detox road, your weight program, your psychi space, your meditation sense, all that....

No, I don't have the diary, its on the, they talking about it like 15 years ago, and later on I reading them sometimes, I know MH earlier, but I never knew there is a guy's name Dr. John R Christopher. Later I know they are connected, ~~ the random book I open and close, landing on a blind doctor.

Right...the eye sight gone baby born, has a no name doctor. The book author is a women, didn't give his name. Me and my ex bf sits there brainstorm how to google this term, so later its this Dr. Christopher shows up.

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