Thursday, September 14, 2023

Any guy or a man, meaning at your age to imagine a relationship is dead, other than your own MD program, when you put away your psycho mind for prince or princess dream...

Let's say the Ancient Chasez, his "image" of himself or the current alive somewhere in a healthy world other than those worlds......whatever that is, you be happy that shouldn't be true, it was a Past. It didn't mean that one Man you gonna get near, its not the same.

1) Washing 4 limbs, 2) washing laundry in the dorm room life 3) the coin prepare the pouches 4) the missing the home food or the mother's at home 5) missing that their own classmate or the groups activates or the aviation friends. 6) A very brief moment seeing each other was a nice hallo goodbye, but carry on a responsiblity so much more about this...

194 countries why don't they just move their office chair with your both hand, to sound like you have the height or the skeleton strength. I seeing too many people for me as a girl have ANY illusion in any faith of the girls or the guys.

Seeing that long enough, you start to believe the human is born in defect, and will be one of those seeing the real human imagine inside too.

The image or the human inside as whom he is.

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