Friday, September 8, 2023

I think Fatima is in FDA, one time I saw from this email they sent in...Dean's network, she got so much weight on her too.

Its FDA using her page to me page; Dean's University in Florida, is that his real parents you ever checked? You know Lee at this Mason word, that Mason dollar bill, that Mason what circle, are they existing real, and why they will be on my page Linkedin Profile?

Let me imagine....

Black Ops also is not a normal term. There is not one thing looks too true to be real, you ever checked clearly per word I say, that those wiki words did go next by it, NOT ALL OF THEM on my page because its so easy at my cover front header as big splash as that, NASA has an invitation on their own website. 

No, none of them are complaining.

You supposed to have this page before 2 years that time up since Oct 21th, 2021 I gone back to the UB facebook, I went to talk to some other UB groups, they are the APO, CAC and finding this Dean, Wing or Jonathon. What happened to them at all.

You are all using the same Linkedin pages, really. The outside Earth they are the high tech, not even our Earth here they suppose to be using the Linkedin trying to sound that is a common thing?

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