Friday, September 8, 2023

๐Ÿ“ About myself to explain to the Judge, how you argue that with him or her? ๐Ÿ“

"I am aware of these movies, correct. I personally didn't take any action at that time 2014, I would not think of it the first thing when I sit alone inside that movie theater, I think I cry. Tina did the horrible stuffs. That was the time Keanu and I were talk. People tend to have the hope of the investor since 1500. So...that was a sympathy to Tina myself alone in the darkness the first time I seeing that movie. No, not the particular reason I imagine I grew up from the Taiwan democracy world, we don't have that concept as the England, to the SMCH might be what you saying? I have no idea whom they are. No, never care about it."

"To a lot of the claim will be inside this lawsuit, because you might be the one oversees all that or someone behind you or the combination of all cases. There is a reason I cannot claim, I might be a guy. I might be a lot more than that any kind of the original state of that myself until when all of this gonna get solved in the future included century, or thousands year. I have seen I might be a girl, the black hair or the blonde hair. But right now, this current life, as you might have all my monetization working profolio including since 2007, all the things I create online - I have the mind doing things until right now this year 2023, I becoming more aware how serious people looking at that Ella Enchanted, I will tell you what I care the most since I rising up myself including seeing Westlife video, so I say Sammy. Sammy or Martin included. No, they are not in it. "

"I looking for the jobs in UB 2020 time after that running 2018-2020 on the comet and the Flower Thousand Bones things, as you have all that might be review later on, I gone forward to seek a job might be that JOMA Silicon Valley guy. My mother told me too. It was pressing."

"To a guy, when someone does anything behind in a such manner, that a guy is a guy, most time on Earth that is one definition as I grew up. To when I disclose myself in the writing as I am writing all that, you reading it through, no one can get everything done in the Day 1, so will not I found out everything where this JOMA guy capable to keep mumbling on, when people scared me including that Tina Jojo, there is thousand floors to the millions hells how they will end up every single one last them, they didn't think I am capable, that is what the guys means, however the photo art I am so well verse that is what I am. "

"The human is the mortal, you know that will be the material goods on them and the inside home what they made of, every criminal in this world, side by including 3 Art anyone jump in the water that day few days ago I say, a lot of the Asian, they are willing to do. I look blind, I really look so blind."

"To eradicate the human criminal in this entire world, its really how far the technology will stream down, including all this behind I got hurt I cannot proven by the girls."

"There is a difference what I make myself is willing or unwilling at this moment to comment why those moment to which favor of what scenario claiming or not claiming, but I have many reasons and the doubts, the court are working on it, it may take a long time, I don't sit home not to keep working those since 2004 year on, That might be your one year later on the public domain. I saw that movie in Kentucky before I enter the City Of Hope short hair. That was 2003, I got a lot of the witness I was the short hair, broke up with Adam Davis that time. 250-300 people including the 4 Duke people." 

"If I am the guy that situate my own original state or the look or the power, I can say more in the court what these girls behind some guys, what they are or pointing directly they hide behind. They use what things this or that so there is a tomorrow. Literally like a day then there is a tomorrow, you know what I mean?"

"I am not those what you say, the tears inside my eyes will make case one full life time, I meant they will pay dearly in the eternity to come with their parents don't shot them or get rid of them every degree they get off the jail, its the eternity jail."

" Some guys are forever weak and feeble, its by this look, so many this movie or TV, you can decide later, how I so courageously taken on this public saying and willing to hold up a desk with my knee to get up in the BTX end, you saying or they saying the felony idea. I won't be so afraid, to that whole universe outside, it will be every degree the Lords and I, and I never fear to even twikle my eyes or the facial...not cremey, you see....some human never believe it, what a human will is forever and eternity always be."

"Right.... a lot of things being advertised. Correct."

"A lot of the people gone to BBQ on the riverside like Mimmo those. They like those family life when they can keep the jobs. He let Connie save the money, he spent all his money on the kids. That kind. Tony no. They don't use the PC not really. They know what it is."

" know some gay people will spend a load of the clothing money for the ex wife to pay, so that they tell the truth how far they need that one love to both running away. You believe those things?"

"I can only get rid of the things near by me, or too close grown on those image, and they don't live happy without each other, one of those. I need to give myself a reason why I am jealous at all, right? "

"One of those reincarnation theory in the future, that eternity to come, no one will do such a thing, I find out to be they truely unhappy. They might want to kill each other and inside that was a fabric story, how I understand the 2 real guys not in the muddy sand volleyball, mud I mean, naked bra, one of those."

"Taiwan before I come back, there is a starting with nothing to rise up to the Top, the richest man in Taiwan, that time. Then something you want to ask me, the current.....idea. You see, they all hiring those like Irene's brother, now its very giant fat too. They treat people with the few drinks or the food, or not get jealous, but that salary was 50,000 NT, you mean its way too much on the minimum wage about 15 years ago, one of those. We have the military draft and he serves his. Those story in the street is no more true....really."

"They change the military law not this year about last month. We were already years later without the military ABC. No, my brother never did, he is too old.  The professional school needs the age to be examined at 32. "

"I think they gonna change, one day, when they feel like to be draft....not the mandatory draft, they delay like 2 years or something I used to hear, you saying like 15 years ago."

"I can ask.....something in my mind about the finance world. I never took clear these books where they come from. If they are lawful analyze, it means its set in the library book included, I am the librarian train. And those made into the college course such as the business, finance, or economic, will relate to this world finance overall in the Western all sphere including in Japan. Those have to legal in my term. One day as I grew up, I actually witness that time someone broke Japan economic bubble. They do that under the international police or the government? Is that legal? There is a such thing, you get away to live somewhere Barhama island and saying 20 years disappear? 

oh ~ "

"So this book is not so accurate? Because they can do that? "

" Per chart, per image, per graph laws. Those are just on the monitor of the set of the points when we learn some very basic science we knew what the chart is made of the x and y coordinate, I did took the micro and macro-economy. I don't believe ilegal activity, but I am learning. A lot of people don't believe in this world in the larger life, they will be jailed. I touch those felony word is because I know what I look or the generating what not things around me, but its not I open my door to go outside and did what? Those are literally a real crime in the legal standard, they be sent to the court room and be on trial. That is what it means they got caught, those are the ilegal claim or the methods doing things. That will apply to my school environment, I will genuinely says, people their head is broken its not the laws goes ahead?

They think the Royal Power, or the Royal Army over the 7 sea, on the movie, so that end results they mean they walking out of the court room free. I don't think that is how the world situate. But because I am the girl, I will intend to stay away from a lot of the human, to looking at the book the way I know how to read them. I don't read the books anymore. It might be too difficult for me. But i know one thing I say - Not those people, their head is broken when this movie hop on if they did get the compensate. You know what I mean? I thought I specifically telling them never doing anything outlaw, and you can stay away from the every human, will never be the implication such as the bitcoin of the South America if he go or went, and put that photo on the internet. "

"I am very sure they didn't believe a word I say. They think the world its you side by the strength to fake things, everyone never got caught. I think they got caught on the first day. "

"I think there is something very wrong in their brain. I am very sure so I say that in the court, really." 

"Legally blonde, that is the law, I am the blonde, only the laws. Right, I can comment one thing on that like that. If I live long, that is as good as seeing that, next by that, next by that. I am very sure what I see and know and tell. That is exactly what it says."

"Its inside their head. Is that the local American culture?" 

"Westlife? I is one of those road, to see the road block = they like to read the book at home in their own language. They are so different on the stage. Someone if I have the original look, one of those I walking on the road, I stop because I can see right in front of my face. I turn right or I turn left.....probably I will figure it out when the time draw near. People like them need a lot of the time to write. I don't think Ola saying all the right things. Because they still keep the hair. The people whom have the talent, they can do only that particular works, right.

One of that, its some seclude people have a very good talent, they have. That is how evolve in that industry. A kind of like the movie script writing. James Cameron talks about it. I listen to them talk before the movies this all things spinning up. Those kinds of the guys need to stay away from the human and might be happier. Or unless there is a total add-up things, there is nothing why I think they like to read. They used to don't, but they evolve to be inside their couch and read. "

"I thought more if they watching the movies, originally speaking."

 "If 1+1=2, me believes that because of my schooling background, not the novel bookstore fantasy. I will make another person whom has the telepathy solid, it will forever never change, it brings the confident in that he felt. Never that = 3.
That entire groups you populate like that in America, something in them, they are in what jobs? Not the surgical other than the gun man, right? Their hands, their hand sanitation. You believe their brain, I can feel it. No, its not in them the morality, that is why my head hurts. They imagine or will literally tell you a certain thing if you ask them about the laws or the blind means."

"I take the stand everything has to be 100% legal standard met. Really."

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