Friday, September 8, 2023

Shane, Ronan, Simon one of those, or the President included? As long as that is the guy?

You want to yell at the guys because you want him to know, there is nothing between you and him forever, so you keep bossing at him, or yelling at him, or harsh at him, or dictate him what to do, or just telling him, blaming him included, never stop? It shows you, you got the character one of those?

So you and him talking its because that is a serious business

And he is not the business? He is the business, like you like a man and a women that kind of the business? I think that is the only business really, between you and him being implicate on the TV, so you go and harsh on him, to slap his face, one of those included? I think they, or he or any of them is the business, and there is only one type of the business, its to get to know this guy as the only business, nothing else. 

oh ~ you being calculative to one Simon, got it wrong about 4 or 5 months ago, I Anna says

Not Simon Says anymore? Its Shane says. So when Obama now shows up, its not Loving the Silent Tear Side by Side him one President next by Simon to Iron man ? That is a Black and a Simon? You running back and forth for the claim, because there is an award ceremony or the court room innocent scene?

You buddy together?

And all this time, I never say one thing to you, imagine the entire UB 600 - 1 people hear me saying 10 years, never blame on your Ola? I explains you things like yesterday 10 years later.....oh ! Someone must got that nerve to do things, or got the character to imagine things, not to do the right blame, or saying.

So how many times you need to keep doing this back and forth claim. You must have validate to that claim with Shane, so its me and Nicky? So then, now its back to Obama and Simon?

oh ~ You didn't tell everyone you got consecutively jail inside where for how long, and that is forever running away without telling us, or its just when you feel like this Court must return your justice?

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