Friday, September 8, 2023

Something happened to this guy Thor....

(I didn't continue the physics)

He descend somewhere else....he is inside a darkness room. He told me to telepathy a file whom what word department getting what? I forget.

To get help I think. This ship its glasses window bar away from his desk near the entrance glasses. I yelling in. Everyone busy. They are all telepathy. He does ....on purpose or something this morning. 

You all gonna get a problem, if you don't becoming a telepathy, they ever told you that outside this situation has to have their agreement, how they transmit you or they know you got hearing what, and transmit back and forth?

This is nothing look good from my side.

Watch a bit.

Those guys or the girls because they are in those jobs. Meaning that is what they are good at. Not the reality of my life at all, you know. I don't like the physics. It just tells you we have a theory starting when, how the light is being divide into the theory.
It will most likely everyone talking about the 20th century, the early 1920 those time.

The wave and the particle. 

Its both. We define that as the both. You go to equator to ....measure the speed of light because the Earth equator its when the sun will always rise, right? That sound right. The Earth 3D is a sphere ball. There is a word in English, not cylinder. Therefore there is a radius of the Earth inside to tell you a formula of the 3D sphere.

The equator is in the middle of the Earth at least you know that. 

You don't know that?! That is fine. Our Earth is tilted, axial so we have the summer and the winter. You don't know that? Right...its you only travel at one place and sit on that land and imagine, because you cannot travel around the equator, that is tiled anyway.....anyway, you just listen to what I tell you. Its at the equator. 

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