Friday, September 8, 2023

That is a social media.

Since UB 20 years passing....someone would have witness someone has no shame like me ever did.  You just didn't literally asking your classmate, if one of them writing the trajectory of how they imagine they have a life if were them.

You join your conversation with your networks, you keep them as your close buddy to find a job in the future? I need to head to Westlife which side of the line, I is not the PC monitor required.

... I like the cooking, I already file the as much as I ever need right now?! 

I keep the shape or I keep the weight too. 

No, I can tell you are so sure about this gambling of the time span you looking at 20-25 years your fantasy world, they told you the clear results when? At least you asking that. I didn't imagine a lot of things in my life combine this outside world I can hear.

Including the Spiritual Order them. I used to be living in the darkness, very often. I have never have a what?

They suggest you, or the yelling at you, won't be a happy location inside your own offices in life?

Inside a cooking

You have to set a day away from the week, let's say you focus on that foot ware you stand inside your own kitchen. There are the 4 stoves. You would be doing this chopping, cutting, refine something, back and forth to the table where things boiling down a taste.

Those garlic you see its the electricity bill. 

The baking time of that, you could start to boiling the water, and put the pasta in, drain and washing the sink with the cold water (or I usually fill up the cold water in the sink), you add some oil between the pasta, it can sit there cool for another 20 mins, while you chopping the soaking other ingredient to butter in the pot and cook them lightly.

Add the water, add the bullion, or the chicken stock. That things required to boil and them simmering. So you have the garlic pasta later into the soup to be the part of the soup. 

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