Friday, September 15, 2023

Change the blog

Exercise, shower go to sleep.

Babaji: Go

Because I went to mop my floor mat, did I tell you?

It takes too long, it was the floor mat in my room, then the bathroom if not laundry then its the floor mat. You have to scrap on it and sun dry, sun dry.

Everyday this water sink has a hanging mop, and that is going out let's say at nap, and when I woke up, that mop is dry. The water around the sink. I have to rinse my face, my eyes, my teeth and my face? That is my head always under that facet ~~~just not every hour because there is no guy in the house.

My phone is on the counter in the middle of it.

Let me guess why that is back and forth that side window, my mother side of the Kitchen, (shut up birds), the 2 ways parts the bathroom, sorry, at the bathroom, back and forth running. 

If your American CNN calling one of those days American President their Congress Meeting at night, their night our day time, its running 3 ways, because the living room technically its turning left !!!! I got freak out why they are at NIGHT?

That is the movie plot, not the real life in front of my faces?!

I have to mop the floor, 2 weeks, or 3 weeks. The entire floor, with the alcohol wipe.

If you have a full cleaning supply, that is everyday a water, going on the marble, doing nothing flying that way, coming back this way. Doing nothing on the bloom flying right side, left side, the living room to the door, every floor to keep moping at it, really.

Every day you looking at that stick, its a desire....really. The Home Network Shopping, they are re-stock, but the Chinese Smart Living its the water bucket smart ~~ when I was in America, not sure UB I saw that, or invention its a bucket design.

When I was in the grade 3, 3rd grade the elementary its 5th floor water bucket carry it down, I am at those wide spread stairs one middle 2 side left and right going up, I mop with my kneel on it. Its a bucket and a mop, I told you the stick dry for the leaves, its at the boy's crowd them, outside ~~~ where the sun too bright at the eye. I am at the indoor stair.

I have to lose 10 kg = 22+ pound?

Then 5 kg, and then 3 more, 2 more 2 kg more?

The way I look at my own structure to I remember what I saw outside or America, this chart I am reading online and the height to the weight.....that is already overweight the way they look like, to look correct to me, or I thought that was correct in Western world.

My original plan is 68 kg to 66/65 kg, then gets to 61.00 kg to break down 60 kg down.

I had to gain weight for the ending of that BTX ending, we were the paper works finished March / April, the actual that MB God Babaji has to sign it, or the human-celestial Babaji too? July / August 2023.

After you eat, you don't jumping around. No...

You can stand straight ~ I have to pull the curtain in the noon time, its too bright outside the sun, my entire room to the Kitchen are two side bright light.....too bright. So if I walking that side, and this side, that is back and forth?

Today Taiwan news were talking about this Ice Cream, or the Icy sweet things local here. That is very fat, I am telling you the refine sugar inside this small tiny container of the ice cream. You all girls should not go to this freezer Wal-mart, those....that I have seen, but I was a vegan, they sell a sandwich in the middle are those Tofutti stuffs. Is that made of Tofu?

That is why no one eats them, just hear about it, right....

They say after COVID 19, people go to the karaoke and eating the hot pot, that is disinfect your entire food if you cook them, right. 

The diet

Like I don't eat a lot of the portion if I eat earlier, like the morning time is the fruit and then some of the table food my mother put there. Then lunch is the remain, so there is no dinner, not a lot of the food. I eat them recently and watching the movie with the ice cream, yesterday. 

Right 70.30 to 69.85 kg, but 2 days ago, I didn't stop exercise? You saying one hour in the morning. 15 mins lunch or before lunch, you make that time adjust, you understand you do that one extra 15 mins. Then the afternoon another 1 hour or 2 hours, but I have to watch the movie, so I stand when I don't eat that much of the food.

Finding a support group

Your shape means to you when you saying you gonna meet a friend or some girls or the guy's friends to appreciate your efforts. Keep a diary, sometimes your feeling count, or things in life you want to write, and it makes your head lighter. Your dream, your detox road, your weight program, your psychi space, your meditation sense, all that....

No, I don't have the diary, its on the, they talking about it like 15 years ago, and later on I reading them sometimes, I know MH earlier, but I never knew there is a guy's name Dr. John R Christopher. Later I know they are connected, ~~ the random book I open and close, landing on a blind doctor.

Right...the eye sight gone baby born, has a no name doctor. The book author is a women, didn't give his name. Me and my ex bf sits there brainstorm how to google this term, so later its this Dr. Christopher shows up.

Stretch 在大安森林公園很多,叫做伸展 (亞洲的) In America, the juicing, or the diet maintainance program ( 在美國是喝果汁 + 飲食維持的基本 program )

減肥叫做 losing weight.

這種你們講贅肉,或是講肥肉的意思? The fat ~~~ 掉下來手臂,那我說上手臂這件事情有點像一種健身機器,你們好個台灣 Youtube 在電視上,講健身的,那其中裡面有個機器,在家裡自己動手臂,我尊上要躺著,所以就原地踏步,呼吸一次,十次,一百次,吸進來吸出來,人要活著就是做這種細小的東西,無論如何,你們好像不太 care 這清海無上師這種打坐團體,是兩個半小時 ~四個小時 SMTV 工作的關係。

不是蒙古小孩那種吃牛奶、起司那種、蛋的關係 ! 很隨便的關係,這電視講古裝劇就是在講一種 discipline. 做人什麼叫做走一步千刀剮 ( 傳統的美人魚故事,不是現代版的 ),那你說要怎麼辦? 自己的健康自己學會照顧自己呀,在海外不是讓爸媽擔心吧 ?! 講在家裡就是躺著睡覺休息呀 ~但是講減肥,那是一腳一步,要做到動到自己的身體結構,講呼吸,講伸展,講走路,想小跑步,講飲食,講 calibrate 自己的整個情況,對自己負責。


常寫身體 (男女生,女孩子下體), 我早上會換內褲重洗,講一個晚上矇在那邊吧 !

常常洗完手,肥皂之後就洗眼睛,洗嘴巴呀 ! 洗皮膚

我昨天不是在你們化妝很多,眼睛附近要怎麼卸妝? 那臉部的整個皮膚怎麼辦?  尊上要常常洗,頭下去洗,洗整個水缸,洗廁所,這人工智慧台灣的馬桶,國外沒有呀 ~那這所有東西都要洗,地面的,地板的,這洗澡的整片玻璃,牆壁,水桶,這所有東西我媽洗嗎 ?

在做夢吧  ~~~~她洗她自己房間的!!!

我洗鍵盤的,棉花棒,我常常發現新的東西就一直洗~~以前是醋,之後是酒精布,之後那就換鍵盤,那就棉花棒戳,因為你們有那種 Youtube 做這種鍵盤一個建一個鍵打開,我也很好奇的關係 ....

這是 Shane, Shane Filan 西城男孩主唱。

我覺得他們好像是在講『減肥』這件事情嗎 ?

COVID 19 完之後就是唱歌跟吃火鍋,應該是消毒吧 ? 你們工作還是 九點到晚上五點吧 ? 只有那種 Youtuber 在外面閒晃這種通緝犯都在走早餐的意思 ~~早餐喝點果汁或是那種香蕉變成一種 smoothie,美國有很多這種減肥的飲食,很胖很胖,你們亞洲人我上次什麼時候在外面,有非常非常非常誇張的那種肥胖在亞洲人的身上。

原地踏步走 !!!!

不是這樣講一定是在講我在我家的意思,走路晃蕩,我沒有很舒服上次這『神的巴巴基跟鋼鐵神兵』的最後一的那種 MV,我們昨天不是再一起看電影叫做 Star Trek (2009 and Into Darkness 2013) 這其實很重要,你們看蔣萬安應該去室內吧 ,但是他是男孩子的關係,去勘查,柯南那種?! 喔~是美國那種東西? 我也不清楚耶 ! 

我在講我工作的時間,是早上要很早的『歐洲或是美國時間』,在台灣長大不是知道這種習俗 ? 我小學有跟提娜上英文課小五小六,但是國中英文什麼幫助都沒有,日常對話而已,但是我其實....那時候就是補習班做 hiring 的老師都很高很高,在講我小鬼的時候,這種歐洲人或是很清楚教英文,或是你們去美國大使館以前,或是在紐約市不是台灣要去哪裡去...弄哪種文件? 曼哈頓的上面我以前做提娜遙遠的最後一站七號到曼哈頓在往北邊的公車還是什麼,或是地鐵不清楚,這見過裡面人員講英文都是很正常的,不是亞洲人的補習班 ! 
我爸以前的客戶也是講英文的,出現都是很正常的外國人。有能力自主的 ~~



Lunch - Mummy 3 on the TV

Babaji: Go

電影: 神鬼傳奇三

阿哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~ freedom = 自由 !!! 

在講侯友宜?  她生錯邊了 ~~~!!!!

Let me imagine how does all this happen....really.

Keep getting every picture wrong....really. I repeat the exact same things never stopped, how marvelous.



Coaching ...reheasal.

Why don't you think every single time you arrive to a new have to


Cook the meal

Prepare the assorted food

Make the accommodation pleasing whichever that indoor.

The bedding

The food stock (lasting 1 to 3 days)

TV set up internet wired, be on Live.

Internet set-up

The first aid, meaning your traveling packs, your own traveling nail cutter, your iodine or peroxide when you arrive, the bottle of that, the bottle of the medicinal alcohol, the pads, the bandage.

 So why don't you make yourself useful? 

I don't think you realize what is what really in life where you set that aim at the most immediate or the most near things where the comfertable life only gears toward that other than everyone else gossip at all. 

Where the eye sight should be at the furthest horizon, no matter what....

3310 Mark and his wife

The Mansion - the eye sight for real, I keep saying the fake.

I wonder all this time, In Time, Runner Runner, I ever had any of your mentality, how long the life that really spells at.

You talking to anyone, or you ...cannot imagine everyone is your patients, saying the colleague included.

10:37 斛珠夫人 EP12

Ronan and the Food: What is the last day on Earth before, you will eat the 3 meals a day?

"The very last day of someone's life, they usually hire a priest, rather than a MD to confirm someone is passing, or the funeral director of that any ceremonial the flower pedel is that as if the family member will all be arriving."

I would be really cooking that fully cooked, really.....Never a date forever on that, really. Actually you need to boil all your utensil in the boiling water, as the standard of every household in this pandemic. Just because Asia is super dirty, that is occasionally a big pot cooking, or when the money available, a brand new set of those stainless steel cooking pot to boiling everything in it, including the kitchen cloth wise towel. The Asia too dirty, so it used to be on the commercial all the time as I grew up.

The Chinese Food:

The Vegan Cheese:

The kid meals = 10 eating hours a day with the snacks, or those set of the side dishes never end:

Morning to shine never ends, eating or drinking the kids beverage hydration statues.

Losing weight:

70.30Kg, its 69.85 kg, I have to eat. We go back to where it used to be.

Elimination (physiology) - The system inside your cage body lower lower lower painful reason....why you paying attention inside your school more carefully?

Losing weight included, the tear gland included, the pelvic region of 2 horizontal line if you can just take that entire system out....

Voice Memo: (10:40)

1. Urine

2. Sweat

3. Tear

Is the only correct answer? WHY I TALK ABOUT IT. Your multiple choice can only have that 3 things. 

Not this Otter talking, you talking

This must be really funny, really.

Fishing !

I am sure your dignity being a medical doctor is a lot more than this, or being respected to all around including your own family or the relative. And you work up your career as one of those correct American Medical Board Committee Board or the hospital committee investors them should have one of those money sign you staring with your eyes sight at.

Keep saying how they make you, make you, make you....

50 States of the American medical licensed board, a real doctor degree as long as you ever lived?! The longevity you must comply? 

  1. The hospital business like the foreign investing in China
  2. The medical equipment such as the CATS scan
  3. The American medical board committee
  4. The 50 states American medical licensed board.
  5. The pharmaceutical and the medicine sale in China, such as in the pandemic period of time like right now?