Sunday, September 10, 2023

That is a desire to cook, or a desire forever have any guy...anyway cooking for yourself?

Any girl to get married once, saying you go and finding 20 bf, that is 8 bilion people, not every Youtuber you go and sleep with them, or talking to them at their faces.

They never reply to you, nothing but psycho. But you seeing your age from 40 soon to 45 then 50, no more life at all. 

Even the celebrity girl, if finding a guy, its one guy and her inside the house, not his 5 friends coming to eat her cooking? She finds a chef or they all going out to social event, the night dress those. I cooking at home, and me and him has to whomever separate the houses. We have the issue of the KR house or Tim Cook.

Not Ronan with a K before, or Kr is that the periodic table abbreviate?

Chemistry Side

No, look at Top, 36 or the left corner. No, no one invented the periodic table, they invented or discover the atom, starting with a concept then a theory until this Bohr module I keep saying about it 1913 was a thought, 1921 was the real.

I keep thinking 1921 and 1928

Right I know Queen and Micky Mouse birthday. the atom thing.

I only remember everything on 1920 after....You don't read the wiki, need to read the real textbook. That is where I got everything. It has to be those top paragraph no one read those textbook, the beginning or the teacher says, or whatever I remember, it will be 1920 on.

Because anything Phyics?

I only remember anything after 1920 on and on and on those exist ...the equation. I never heard about 1910 until 2013 these Tesla erupt stuffs, everyone die in the 10s? 1910-1920? Titanic and War?

oh ~~~~No wonder that was not in the textbook or my brain imprint fact. Sometimes I am not very sure you know, too early on, a faint of textbook or the idea of the equation, tooooo many theory and too many people's name, it was the chemistry and the physics mix. You know the Curie's wife. Not the same time, but the black and white photo, to me its all the same time.

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