Sunday, September 10, 2023

๐Ÿ“ Because you will never get a guy, so? Right, you don't need to cook ๐Ÿ“

... ... Any kitchen utensil if you buy, you know its expensive, yes or no? (Dissolving the inner vision. Care too much the magic, oh ~join you Karen's sis)

1. Too heavy, yes or no?

2. Too much standing time, yes or no?

3. Too hatred to the food, yes or no? You eating it anyway? Yes or no?

4. Too many ingredient in the color, to do that much of the works, its for you? Yes or no? 

5. Too many plastic bag if saying the assort veggie, one time or 5 times a week, yes or no?

6. Any brand new toy inside the kitchen, its you every moving time like Adria that Twilight her attention is finding the next apartment, yes or no? Its you keep the kitchen tools or you drop them and re-purchased to debts? Yes or no?

7. Its packing and wrapping the boxes, this thing you never use. Yes or no?

8. You will never finding a guy for saying every guy your age, have no money, he only look at you 2 second and left, yes or no? A date? Is that a kiss? NO.

9. You never gonna have anymore outting, you saying find a guy paying you his credit card, you what? The evening fantasy to meeting any guy or the upper class?

10. You mean me?

To sort the Kitchen things, you have to have a habit despite the whole world those attitude

Otherwise you die, those.....its per bag make it right. The veggie plastic bag from the grocery store. You don't bang on the kitchen counter. One of those?

I propose to make the eggplant lasagna from the Food Network. I mean with the pasta sheet, a lot of those TV current, has no pasta sheet, so its eggplant only, and they are not fried, or it is fried?

If I never show up anywhere, I don't need to make any of that. Its for the guys !!!!

You didn't viewing your whole life, how you and your parents will die alone. They close eyes, they don't care one bit you exist, when you going to close your eyes, they already 20 years at least gone gone gone.

That moment has not TV effect, no TV no priest, no church, not even getting up for a water or a socks, have no money, when you will be on the street?

You want to control that Youtube, these people too funny, too hilarious, none of them can have a earning on that bank account you cannot control and see.

Because these are so visible in front of you, everyone else on the cable TV, they have no money, or too broke in the newspaper, one of those combine. Some people don't care about the Youtube video, if they have a steady job, they go out and hang out with the friends like that Joma guy from Silicon Valley. If a job is stable, people don't watch the youtube to imagine a youtuber what life, the subscribers?

That doesn't mean they go and invade or destroy every other Youtuber's life.

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