Sunday, September 10, 2023

Learning English

Too hungry

You cannot tell a girl can be that hungry, a lot of people hide things behind. Let's say you think its normal no one eats. That is not true. Some girls are highly highly reactive if the food is not around, seeing it, knowing it, 5 mins to eat them. One of those. No, they don't cook, but they know that part of their life needs to have the food in 5 mins.

They are all like that, the period pain, or the eating, or the shape all that. But some cannot, they have too many things not looking forward, the shape included.

But if these thinner girls, they are too hungry too, and it has to be this 3 meals a day schedule. They cannot skip the meal, they need to put their mouth, same as the guys, or I myself, I don't eat the whole a lot in one meal, but every so often the food is in my mouth, the hands have to be washed, and then the food in my mouth, and then wash my hands and get to the keyboard, or the mouse on the computer.

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