Sunday, September 10, 2023

You see inside this apartment building? From the upper class to see me, or Shane or Westlife any of the a hole in the wall, or 98 degree any of them America included....

We are one citizen inside this apartment. Not them the real upper class. Some are evolve, for saying he himself captilize on top of that. But many the real upper class you go to Toronto seeing the real housing, you realize, its neither me nor Shane ...or any Westlife or 98 Degree any kind. None of this people you saying how much those cash flows, you imagine the public debute, that is what they are, right...but that is one person's salary.

The real Upper class its those with the Company on the very Top, they do exist, that is why they buy those mansion. I don't think any of them buying those Toronto mansion, you just never seeing them like that.

Its like each of us with a keyboard inside one room. You imagine everyone just spent on the property tax. I think they are those I say before.

The Toronto downtown a hole in the wall and the artist festival.

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