Monday, September 11, 2023

๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“ Speaking of losing weight, or all your fitness ...๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

Its you get out of your desk, get up from your chair to go outside where the tree is a better air to breath. I have the roof birds every single day issue, not at the moment, but even while indoor, I walking around, straight up my back. You want to win in front of your parents to that one guy, or one best friend, or one ex bf....

Technically, me and then didn't end it badly except Tamang. He is a gun man, he either knows that is the problem himself, he needs to be out really. - That drama one day he gonna doing that for someone younger, and he pretends to look like that, how to tie up a thing in front or behind a girl's waist line. No, not as a master. It might be just a temporarily assignment. He cannot control himself, so he pretends there for 5 mins. He has 2 boys I think, or there is a girl somewhere.

No, I am not on my phone currently. Early I was on my phone, you mean good morning to Westlife those? I leave a message. I have other things to do or go back to sleep. Long time ago when I was meditating.....there is one of those they doing things with the notepad, to write it down what things bothers you or inside your mind going around and around, or what inspires you during the meditation.

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