Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Is there something about this MB whom what not, something I need to know, one of those?

The God or the Human-God celestial?

There is 2 form of him, one will never reach in the human level, the other....still the human soul like me, might just only go there, that is why that is the human celestial. Not sure.

Between you and me, I will live on. Why don't you focus your paper on your desk, those per monthly payment in your folder, label the date, or the stationary, that never end? He and me doesn't have that basic issue of talking the basic discipline of that file-ing on the desk. That looks normal because that is the Heaven standard.

Something about the Idol God, that is a lot of the money? Against your own Bible term?

Then what is the idol god in Bible that said, I am so damf and illterate. this world on Earth, some people have one of those novel or movie or TV or what not fantasy about the things I told them to re-write - similar to one of those exotic traveler idea. People whom imagine to becoming that can just tell the Judge they go remote mountain to worship God and Thank God and recuperate, and stay away from the worldly line. One of those. (in-line)

I originally from the metropolitan, so...its a bad luck they got that kind. 

Why don't you do what I tell you to do?

To go and argue that heart you only stare at if you are near death review that every frame you getting hurt those people, not me, not Judge, not legal world? 

+ staring at the bill. 

Sometimes they also have the inside urge to talk about. They play those games you coming near like those Tamang. The guys they do those things. You starting the first, so he will tell mummy.  Heard those very stupid naรฏve game. Every guy legally will make they are the better one to hurt everyone, they do that very very often. You loving it. You can just walk away.

You have no values so you will never get a call. I repeat that millions times.

Not living, not breathing, no values. I already say that very clear. No existence reason why you should be breathing at all. Repeat that yourself 1000 times. 

His father thinks you this way, his mother thinks you this way, he definitely only have them, never you forever, the trash should be the dumpster forever outside someone if just finish you all in somewhere other than in front of his house, called the best friend. 

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