Wednesday, September 6, 2023

๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“ Discussing with MB (Human God), and a little bit MB (pure God) ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“ Flower Thousand Bones

Tina was a City girl, she never went to the town small tiny villege. If you don't go to those sexual events or the party, you won't find the investor in the future where the City and the Urban planning, you can only make it if sexually oriented, those are the investors can make you going into the entertainment world business. The girls only have that kind of the values.

I was told (only MB human God) that got jailed. That short hair guy.

1. Outfit 2. Dye your hair a bit, lighter, or high light, or a little bit aquaintant? 3. In our world, probably not caring that brother is fine, and ....those girls go on the street NYC when their money runs out.  4. Outside if you have a brother is better.

The culture is very Capitalism. American doesn't make it look like that sleek, either doesn't have the money public utility, but ...I guess that is how it is. Dim light, or those a lot dimmer interior design, not the bar. 

The space museum included to quiet people's mind, but very formal outfit. They know what type of the sleek. Highly money driven.

He told me they shrink business if the girls don't believe the guys need the sex, they move out of the urban planning, to the outside, the cheaper places. That is what he says. 

Because I say the food or the home owner manual first.

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