Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Why don't you just do what I tell you? (BTX derived one formula)

Staring at your own bill, staring at your job, staring at the professionalism. People work hard indoor, not all that too fancy world, being a little bit practical? You putting your tears for every face value in front of you, and none of them more than 3 months, or you never will have a guy for the giant fat? So why diligently believing its fault on you, your attitude, your talk, your language to your both parents, to all around you.

And these people are the most means to you, if you slim down and get a useless bf, you will tell me and turn around, you finally getting the things you wish and you want?

Bet 1 million % chance, that is every single one last you? 

You cannot make UB ....not even the holy that ever be. 

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