Monday, September 11, 2023

๐Ÿ“ Your parents got enough their own life experience and all around for you to ask them the questions. ๐Ÿ“

My parents just barely minimum there. That is enough for my life. The rest of that is the military them accord to my country that everyone's life connect. Technically, if your parents have no more, a guy can teach you a regular a girl just like that Flower Thousand Bone.

1 to 1.

I have a name,  so I will tell you that. Such as your own boiling pot, or something you carry inside your own stove those stainless steel and everything fallen on the ground, it might be just one day you cook a pasta, you are so hungry, but something happened, its everything on the ground, and you have no food and you have to clean up. You know how that feels? That percentage of the worldly samsara....I don't really know how I can describe you any life scene. Try to get through your own parents, they will die before you.

๐Ÿ“ Taipei Mayor, Feb (when he got on Christmas?! oh ~), saying how long I gonna leave. Talk no more, the human like them the boys panic. How long their dad gonna last.

๐Ÿ“194 countries, worsen, got told never end, but to June then July, every months just anytime worsen if I mention their name 194.

๐Ÿ“ Taiwan Youtuber, they speak in English. You know the age we are difference, they try to think when they were in the high school 2014 on Westlife video. That is 10 long years since I leaving 2013.

๐Ÿ“ 194 Science museum, they are not coming. They go back to their university life. But there is something funny and strange. The group that gone to similar to those antiitch in China expo 2010, they have every door inside to visit the museum. Probably the peer reviews those their university professors are their own target, how to squeeze themselves in 10 subjects lines, or they create a lot of those to diverse their learning curve. 

  • Seeing bio every top university professors in competition
  • Seeing bio, chem, physic, math........... music, art, kitchen .... 
  • Probably has a display room for the material science.
  • I cannot see how the agony is on each of their face, they have this unlimited printing page printing lab similar to the university in America. They can research online. Something is internal. I didn't access that, but I think its painful. If they really make those hallway giant face those compete and compare photo walking by, me and my uncle (Dr. Bing Shen in City of Hope), to them, the City of Hope, even just one line resume, they cannot get in?!
  • Not even the Devil Wear Prada, the local lab.
  • For example, Prince William and Prince Harry share that same half body face photo, or their entire giant smiley face on that wall or LED walls. No, I don't know which category that is.


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