Wednesday, September 6, 2023

You only sense what that is, you are not going back.

Your body what sensation you got, your heart push and pulling, just one weekend, you know what the TV saying were true. You cut it off, and goes back this American Medical board stuffs.

Your eternity not growing two cents, your hell sentence is after you die, you only efforts to what is in front of you like a zombie's life. No love. You know that already. You try one weekend for that sensation of your past, NOT MY PAST.

Your whatever this TV means, that is how you found out thing, what you are, where you are, exactly everything I written what stuffs, you saying you becoming so social engaged to everyone else's business,

Starting, "What's going on!!!"

Listening to some upbeat music, whatever you know what you used to be. You using the same telephone or the same house door?

I don't faint on those ....that is they mean, or what I see, or what they look like a real human inside those TV monitor.

I have a lot of those, seeing a TV, turn around those moment. Starting that Simon Cowell Farewell American Idol, not one day my life was in peace at all. I cannot describe a word how all this makes me feel. Either they do that on every points of time, because those are the classified material. 

My nerves are very often tight up on me, the whole body, or my head, or the eye brow, so what you do its you relax by breathing if you have to see the human. Wash your face, dry with your towel, both hands too. Breath, keep breathing. Open your two eye brow, not to frown your eye brow, when you walking in the sunlight, sometimes its too bright, but when you smile, your eye brow won't be doing that. 

When we talk about 2014, that was one frame sailor moon, the very inner, was not me the commander-in-chef. That would be the American President to go doing those jobs, but behind the very last line. Let's say someone running around, its not....

Hit me first, its one of those boyband themselves its from the Earth. Not from outside. 

We talk about it in 2014

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