Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Yeah, the guys agree with you, so only stay the agents, everyone else is OU.

Yeah, they sort everything be honest with the parents.

That will be 50,000 years in hell, a couple of them here Taiwan Screw up, you all will be million years in hell, when the humanity together with the Taiwan youtuber 50,000 years in hell.


We will never talk, see, know, 2 parallel universe gone, if not dimensionally both the hell or whichever that makes sense after dead. So both the agent and the OU never need to worry.

We will never see each other again, not even a phone call. Everything just I told you, the senior apartment after your parents dead, you still hear the same voice on the audio, but you realize, just you still hearing that Dr. Steven Hairfield sounds.

Nothing was real, never stop.

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