Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Including inside you UB, some kids without the parents knowing, they were stealing this eraser things....

You didn't know if these kids inside, who don't have a real parents, or they are the witness program.

No, I won't return.  Yeah, they let go things, psycho agent I guess looks like Dr. Chamblers that one. Its 50,000 years and the millions years in hells mean. This data was a rough says, its everyone could understand in English. 

What was it, it would be ....your local file statue.

Ella Enchanted final destination, Silas will be there. He gonna live up to that age too. You may never step to the Washington D.C. It was a beautiful painted color by me. Right....you feel very happy with all around you telling them. Anna I normally telling you the fake things never stop. Your files its where....you starting at your own local court, the real paper works to the paper thin judge in front of you. You must settle those account each time with the lawyers behind and go back to this local court, where you file things.

This part, you understood, or you done it once, or your parents go with you, like the driving all that. I think this part you understand. I agree, that is what you have learn to be acquaintant, the rural background of the bad blood no money race or in the red ink debts, or with the debts collectors knocking the phone or the door. 

The real local court might already in this thing listening be side, meaning you all account for your witness to them, anything I say you against the court room judge seeing as contempt. They taken my words a lot, and will see your true attitude showing up there, or already was. You didn't realize that - that will be your whole groups mistakes.

Its not how big the groups you think 100 people would ever be.

+ your parents.

Those are low money human.

You didn't buddy or marry to a Judge, you might just saying you one person going in with one Judge and never seeing that 99, I will tell you in the end of all that so far, including killing your parents like they told you legally in the TV. Lawfully they are not supposed to do that. You do what they say, that court might look better.

First degree murder

True love, best friend

Court seeing each other.

You ask if that is the context legally given to you. 

Your Final Destination court room Ella Enchanted, will be you saying when you all losing your appearance, Silas, maybe Dean still alive too. Grey hair white, those time. Still in that argument. I am not sure its the follow up, or just sometimes people have something to say or add. The icon being represent will be Silas.

I cannot see the court, its a court room, right.

I am not very sure...it is anything but the local, how you understand how each state, or the local those law degree how you proceeding things, because you have the people moving out of the state and you divide your concentration everyone else finding a job or a new what things in their life.

You probably didn't think.....later on why that Washington D.C is one trip why it worth, its just a sight seeing place you might already been there.


Its ...given you a real political structure that makes the American stood tall.

What does that mean?

I am not sure.

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