Wednesday, September 13, 2023

With the guys I make soup at home (right now) | 男孩子,我是在家裡做湯的 ( 現在時間)

Usually you prepare some white clean clean rice, and boiled down pasta + some preservative clean washed lightly fried small piece of tofu, its a darker color + small carrots + kale clean clean wash.  通常你們可以準備很乾淨的白飯,或是那種外國的 pasta + 那種五香豆腐有點煎過,小小的 + 紅蘿蔔 (小小的) + 那種綠色蔬菜 (小小的)

The soup has to taste with a taste? A lot of things have to taste with a taste?

做湯要有味道跟對味? 很多東西都要有味道?

At home, you prepare something all the time, he will not be the last minute getting tooooo hungry, or if he going out, he not getting too hungry. You can also prepare a quick sandwitch, one of those.


This is a kind of the routine, you never live in that routine.

這是一種時間表,你從來沒有做過這種有 itinerary 的生活。

If I ate, I rest for 10-15 mins. I didn't eat a lot of the food today.

如果我吃東西,我休息一下 10-15 分鐘,我今天沒有吃很多東西 !!

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