Thursday, September 14, 2023

Why don't you 3 Royal prince get 3 Asian girls, one couple no more those European Arrogant highly arrogance arrogance arrogance arrogance arrogance arrogance WOMEN.

Milion things never get right bad bad bad white tall girls. Aggressive, and beating, or hitting. Very old and ugly, and bad bad every white girls on your phone. 

Saying that is Brat Pitt to fix this one 1908 never stop Comet hitting the Earth 2019 calculation data everyone knows, I need my side the life to get right.

Anna says, "When you get that one girl or 2 girls indoor, no longer you need this 18-25+"

That will be enough said.

You are the Prince and the King. Spent 3 months to figure it out your life, you have a lot of right just get those things done, 3 months. With 3 Asian taller girls, lean on you actually. Not my school those.

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