Sunday, September 10, 2023

When you were in the university (the same hallway, the same dorms looking, or same shuttle bus)

You looking at 20 years old freshman. You remember what it used to be, the choice, the situation, and the pre-med, pre-law all that. There was all the laughing at someone whom strolling those campus life, because the SA activities you never been at 20 years later today, you are the 20 years older than they were. APO was older, to say 20 years old I am not very sure at that time. You walking in the same library, you seeing the faulty, you see the same building, if 20 years ago you knowing it today everyday, to every class, its to be attentive, you wonder where are the rest of the classmate been.

You wish Brian to be there, you remember him. He used to raise his hand talking to Dr. T. Is he clear? You had a certain still this every class having this reaction mechanism, outside world people are going on their finance world including the president you used to be don't care about one thing, that time is Obama? (2009 -2017). Having a later school, and in the UB Alumni alone to record a video is not shameful you know? Everyone seems to own their own very degree, you agree to that, or you have to re-done all that. 20 years, not 16 years anymore? 

You start to put some extra attention those 18 years old Asian sorority girls on the shuttle bus, this time now its the ID require, not like used to be our day, you hearing someone talk about it. You think that someone was the same year, and left. You seeing their bag, you seeing some international students their wear, or the bag. You wonder if Pang was there. No, he is at Jonas or Silas one of those location all around. Too confusing to me.

You are not becoming a ghost yet after the hell. How long that gonna takes.....

You didn't think when other kinds of the guys whom owns the real estate at any local state, meaning 50 states all at the same time. Anyone belly a bit fat, with the keys, just a lot more personality at his uncle, aunt, neighborhood watch, or watering the plant, watering the car, or all around the external house of his own house, his ex-wife house, his brother-in-law, his brother, his uncle/ niece/ nephrew house /aunty .....his parents included. You saying he just sold some real estate to look at the monitor statistic knowing us, or heard about you all....

Looking like 15 years old, but intend to say you pretend how to sit on that shuttle bus while you are 40 years old in 2 years. These are the 18th years old Asian Sorority. You wish to scream or yelling at them to tell them the horror of the UB education policy or the criminal justice to save you. 

You just kneel at the bus driver, have you?

What you believe of the America it stands for.  You shrinking inside your very life, and he is every day sun tan at the exterior housing plans, all around that neighborhood. It may not be the neighborhood watch program. But you start to see him more vibrant and solid in life.

You are shrinking every single day til the grey white hair, to kneel again at the UB Bus drive in front o fit. You know the story plot so well.

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