Sunday, September 10, 2023

I feel like a regular working day, really.

Today is Sunday here.

I already feel the office cage felt.

As the half initiated, you are baby by your parents all your life. A lot of those are still very well wishing to you, on you. Some or a lot of that parts form Taiwan, the Taiwan police are nothing but the guys world. Today on the news its about the rescue team going to Moracco (South Africa). You cannot see them, all of those guys are train police height, from Taiwan.

台灣的警察都是很祝福這些半印心的小孩,女孩子尤其,不是代表你們不長大,包括上層的靈修 Order.

The spiritual Order from the Upper World also wishing you all well.


That kind of the spirituality


It did exist, together along with you growing up.

Imagine when Elon Musk was a baby, a boy, and when he grew up. I actually didn't really read clear his profile other than the beginning.  Your Chinese all speaking very well。

想當初 Elon Musk 是一個小孩,一個男孩當他長大,我也其實沒有看過他什麼 Wiki 只有一開始,你的中文講得很好 。

Voice Memo:


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