Sunday, September 10, 2023

When people growing up to apply for a job ....someone like your mother

Both has a look when they used to be young, and none of that liberal inside her has ever die out, she just looks old. Explain to me any school teacher's union if not fat, and your mother is not. Any of those current youth looking like, whom would make it to with that spans of year, she didn't get herself out, isn't that amazing?

Your competition was not your mother....oh ! 

Planning to buy a ticket lotto

I guessing the humane only the MD staying in the jobs, right. I am guessing that. The oversea if they seeing their parents more near, so I move out? Maybe.

You don't ever miss your parents?

I don't have a parents.

What do you mean I don't have a parents.

... ...I never talk to them with my mouth opens. I seeing the things in the school, the book, the chalkboard, the home TV, eat the food on the table. We don't have a conversation until now whom these people were.

Have you ever called your parents all these 20 years? If saying in UB and after UB with Erin?

Not with Erin, she calling her mother never end. We talk on the Thai food restaurant. My brother calls me once in the high school, then one time in UB, I told him Jonas was in his University. I have no idea they with Silas are all in that region, I didn't look the map. The Michigan and Chicago you mean which one is the City? Ann Arbor is the City.

Thor will tell me that BTX Sariputra makes the whole lot worse of everything, replacement....but my photo this eternity staying on Earth. But everyone else gonna see the horror things with one thing everywhere else. That is those people think probably.


Its very dangerous when things are wet. The stoney stairs. No, nothing else. Just the wet stair. You don't think if you fallen on the ground, that 2 have no lean on, or her? No, just the stair is wet, they have no lean on. No, nothing else.

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