Sunday, September 10, 2023

Something about the leadership ?

oh ! I was in the girl's school. Right. You are not in the school anymore. 

What is like you don't have the parents?

I get off the house by 6:20, arrive in 6:40, rehearsal until ....7 at night, everyone eat at that one street and got home by 9, took a shower go to sleep. Every single day in my high school. A zombie life, just seeing everything else. The weekend, I called whom....I think those taller girls. I never called the PR or the setter nor the Captain. Staying on the phone for 1 hour. In the real life at the school, I never talk to them. 

I have the things inside my mine all the time.  The very next thing in the classroom, learn and listen what the teacher says, and there is the progress inside that classroom, learn it, and taken a test, it never ends. You think my brain will reason why I don't lay back? The quiz or the exams keep coming in. I was so young, I knew any other kind of life?


Right, you mean that PR life. I just told you, we never talk on the phone, ever.

A lot of the girls are very liberal, but running to another side of the coastline out of the flag countries, that is some more than you believing in it, you are so freedom wise, the whole world is where you step onto with the airplane, its anything you will do. 

You assuming any human groups of every life scene, its just when I feel like....if any girls groups some leadership I walking in by, such as my own high school. I will tell them exactly what type of person you are. 

Just any of this....

Wissle looking things - the water habitat creature with the background music, and if I them.

" Good morning ~ I have a friend that she does nothing but run about the flag country all the time without her parents will, and yet, her determination of the future its to married to someone like you, bold hair with few string of the hair, because he polite to let her never touch the stove, or too heated oven, because things might explode, you know what I mean?"

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