Friday, September 8, 2023

What is the difference ? 11:25

The gum is a lot heavier. They are the first lady school. There is the 33 girls, til we the third lady school. 3000 girls 3 Class Physical Calendar Year. ( 1st should be 3000 girls too)

Right....what is the middle? (1000 guy per that Class, the girls they change. )

33 means? The literally girls number in that entire floors one Class Year.

So the high school means to me?

The gym more. I used to learn the music from grade 1 to grade 6 and doing just the school nutritional class or the gym running class, but that is not everyday. The high school its every single day 4 hours at least morning and evening starting at 4 oclock on the 10th grade.

5 oclock starting in the 11th grade (the tournament year)

You saying now we are at the age of the 40 years old. In those 15 years old time, all they will say, "you are weak", remember? I didn't have any background, not those running stair, or later this UB 4 blocks.

So will be all this Gun and the Guard teams.

In high school, everyone in Asia has to study okay, in this First 3 Top School in our City. Everyone knows that, they go to the cram school after the class, and sometimes they meet the guys outside too. Inside my world that corner where the volleyball, the swimming, the basketball or the pingpong at the gym or the Gum and the Guards (our raining day is in the gym all together), you saying what the Vice ever do... doing nothing, seeing things all around?

You don't have that kinds of the life, you keep asking me what life that is. 

I personally think you have a lot of the GPA issues, really.

Your IQ cannot be born.

Your physical cannot keep up.

Your entire confident level its every mouthful words coming out of your voice is wrong.

Inside the those entire school situate like that, you will have the girls that have the weaker character or the personality. We have the skill issue, not just the character issues, really. 

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