Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Otter - Sa Chen (Ma Ko)

What you can do is print out a sheet of those time table, he eats 5 times schedule 10:00, 12:00, you working otter 3:00, 6:00 ...snack time included. Me human and my gf/wife eating next by. You trying to be civilized, not hey yo beb those kinds, you are a girl to be a lady. Not the man first to eat, we say "The lady first." and I am not yellow. You smell this for me, its not boiled for my appetite, you mean that is okay to eat on the camera at me. You want to see this video again?

(You glue at his height, he cares about it, that piece of paper. No one does a paper for him anywhere. Its his right and his stuffs.)

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