Monday, September 11, 2023

I think I say Last Wheel, not last Eon, or Eon after Eon, its 1 Eon, not One Wheel.....Great Wheel, your country were origin ? Small Wheel?

He would know every details of it, you didn't know what he studies, or listen to that SMTV what he says in there, where he been or for ~~~~

"I was tell you something about myself. I read, or listen causally to some day I have to re-read some of the things she says about the past or the Flower Thousand Bones, or someone explains to me in Chinese. You are a Ph.D, are you a professor type, meaning have you lecture in the university? I might feel different we are the same public speaking touring the country for the world peace."

"I have some dilemma of some Sanskrit words, I want to test you. I used to be in India.... "

"I wish no one good since I was young, and when I was the black hair. But I can tell you that 30 years pass, I retain a certain blondie image, I wonder if that is important to you. It might bother me, but it will never bother you, or were. "

"How much you feeling so with the comic book or some word she Anna says about the classified, all that you believe percentage like 51%? I have about 9% share of the last thing I did. "

"i probably need to tell you I trespassing my memory like I am getting old, but I vivid remember my eyes barely open when I meditate too long."

"Talking deeply of my own massage session is not polite? Those Taiwan standing too tall uniform would have agree with me, my life time long rectify my thoughts or the personal image, I feel elighted, being lifted you primary language is in English. How soon you think my English can last in one of those Cancum Mexico, COPS 16 were, today many years have pass, not the decade counting methods. Oh~"

"Have you been to one of those?"

"One of those, they put the microphone on your both ears with the statics?"

"Is your turtle dead, they live long, or ....?"

"I used to have a tape about when...the camera was my age, stepping down into, or gliding myself in the middle of the Ashram middle, that is old or where, or all of them tradition flower padel array of the dancing formation. Its me one person going in, those tradition my country cloth, you destroyed all that, remember? ...right. Can you take a look? That was when the camera makes a tape, not all that side by side to this time, and i need your signature feeling like, what you think that time has pass, you be liberal enough telling me that tape. This is all Anna wrote and tell me to repeat to you with that tape showing it to you."

"What is the chance I gonna go forth in 2 years. I was improving enough this 40 years -10? Or you think that is minus 80%"

"Right in the same very One Life Liberation claims."

Watching that tape ending again?


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