Wednesday, September 13, 2023

I am a girl

I think I go to where I find a belonging best, or stay here with my mother too.

I first asking her in her entire life how many ghost film she watched.....

MY classmate they love those reunion at the graveyard all together - sits right inside the story of all around. Meaning buddy together without me.

The Final Destination. Even I would not be that stupid, you think? Is that 1234 and it was wiki written them, I read them all. I did. Long time ago. 

So I concluded a lot of things myself to be honest ... if nick didn't trigger anything to be that upset in life, and the life didn't change on the age, nothing would have changed that much. And one day he has to get old, and I have to get old.

Getting old, you need a lot of the money to go to see a doctor. If I am in Taiwan is one thing, if in America its another expense, you didn't imagine the money just manifest at all. You never heard people have taken how many drugs, and how much the medical bill expense are on their desk. 

When I was on the field such as this training since the university, I would have so much take on to say, when you getting old, you might just end up one person at all. The finance, the jobs, the hurry to save the money, and never mix up with those no back-end road exit, gonna be theft, or the red ink high debts. 

To that basic rules, I knowing it all that. Outside the home, those people might just all lying on the street, so those politics will be drifting away from my sight. That I can conclude myself those things.

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