Friday, September 8, 2023

You never think why you will be that low, 7 years or 30 years younger.

Anyone, or anything. 

Dreaming someone pays you respect because you really crave for that, just imagine those Royal kitchen staffs. A spatial palace, a far away table eating an English biscuit. Not even me putting that stuffs in my mouth. 

It will never happen, you 2 will never be anywhere but limited there. That house is mine. My bank is mine.

Look at that Lalla’s legs and skin color, that earring, thar hat. 55 will arrive, 60 will be. Someone whom delicate a piece of USMLE paper because they don’t lose the next 5 years. 5 to 10 years I know exactly what I say and I mean it. Focus what they told you not you imagine inside your head. 

Someone is taken the public stand to tell you, none of THAT!!

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