Wednesday, September 6, 2023

You are not sure....

How to lock a door, if that is a bungelow house, or an Asian apartment locket, how many locks. 

How do you wipe a door knob, its 3 years this COVID 19. You wonder that means a thing.

How you wipe my own mouth with the baby wiper.

How do I wipe my teeth if I don't have the teeth brush, or the tape water factory or the dental floss. 

How do I use a keyboard or process a line or square inside that 4 points frame, its just a monitor, a guy says. "Its not the 4 points frame, its just a PC monitor!!!" He replied you, you want to slap his face. You mean he talks low you are too high up.

You mean your guy is the lowest creation of all kinds of the color, he only drinks the tape water....and so his friends, or just pass by only? A small tiny meal its a skin peel out of you, because your parents are too higher up?

The kitchen, the solvant, you will wipe that entire counter with the chlorine, that smell the entire kitchen to kill him with you in it. That is how you believing it the chlorine is used for. 

Kenshin Himura

Those are the balance just walking, we never met, you all ever meet up? In the real life, in the real day light, under where, the mall, or the outdoor? Near the intersection, or the parking site to the front door mall?

Let me imagine when I say the useless human means.

Let me think I say, "Someone pretend, not to hear, not to know, not to learn about it." - ear damf. I mean I say, or I imagine I say.

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