Tuesday, September 12, 2023

These situation only I say, most the commanders, they are saturated with the reason why they are in that positions.

For me, since I didn't really need that jobs, or continue that jobs.

To flip every books open, copy and paste per line, those things it may not be 10 years. Its just side by line someone looking into the book while I used to never comply those schooling time.

10:37  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7JiW7Hf6Gs

It was difficult, and you imagine people just know how to do those things in the most intuitive sight. You require to learn, and imagine I used to learn that in Chinese. Reading it again the cram school included, you mean most people's head fill up with 10 bf, I only get 1 bf? That kind?

A lot of outlook I already present you. I am sure your snail race of the time you die inside the medical school, someone will tell you, at least that is safer. Some people's learning its because it required, not because of the school cram. Some people sabotage you yourself to learn, so I never require to take a test at least that is an leisure reading like the movies entails says. 

Odd, isn't it?

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