Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Sometimes guys inside their country line screaming to their parents like I did....

I won't see them doing that behind, too far away.

Give the guys those space, and one day we coming close to that movie and TV, and they checking that every single day. At least drawing that circumstance near. That is how I do things. 

No, not those UB things. Not really. You didn't hear what I say ....Their most immediately hurting them things were that time 20 years ago, I was never a reality or priority, same was before, same will be forever more. 

APO, they have those upper line Big to me age line, to little.

Kim -> me -> Kail.

No we are not close. They have one of those they care about their whichever gettinig together to talk about, even if they are fat, they want to release those anger, or what not things from the TV or the movie, so they deal with their own way. The guys and the girls. Sarah in that Britney Crazy video one of those. You think they care about the Hollywood. No.

Between them. They gonna screaming to each other. That is the part of the humanity.

CAC - it would be that Devail Wear Prada

I never join them. I join Karen's parents and grand parents, if her parents ask me if I ever been anywhere with them, I will tell them, "Actually No. Its when you 2 or 4 in the same dinner table, that is when you see exactly when we are together, or Ayo exists or UB Alumni Volleyball Dean were there. Everywhere else, they gone to the psychi valley, or downtown Seth those bar places. If he shows up and those girls say where, I tell them what I hear."

UB Honor Class

Its a UB Honor Program, they have their advisor office I think separate to the Cooke Hall right below Dr. T. No one cares about that one human or his wife, I gonna tell you that. I seriously telling you that. Not even the Cooke Hall. That is where Jonathon had the flyer glue there, I am right behind Jonathon. "Hi !" 

So he told me. No one cares what Dr. T or Jonathon, will never be his dad, or if he got any problem, or overweight, or fat, or his wife or his 2 kids. I am the club, they were not. Not those things. Its his wife, and family, he goes and deal with it. That Tamang overall things I already dealt upon with it. I don't care he agree or not agree. That is how it supposes to get done.

What is the difference the UB Honor Class with Dr. T or the UB Honor Program?

They have the scholarship or one of those anything inside the money, I got none. 

How do I know Dr. Ester T? I ask him. How does he met his wife. He is the one told me one day I asked him that just the causal talk. The very beginning of the sophomore year. I told them to re-done all that things in SUNY Brook. I don't know they got their life going, or their stupidity, when keep repeating this every 16 years. 

So that is one of the continuation talk.

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