Sunday, September 10, 2023

Something about the One

It must be trimming her dad, or her brother or Adam. Meaning, how to show you the women's power they are dead .....that is every vola big tall giant fat ass women doing all that. For a breath of life - hate ( the bird ๐Ÿ›ฐ️ ) I am seriously telling you, if you all combine that one Dean's all gf, and Karen, Adria, Ola.....Emily. Everyone carried a folder, sit down in the 5 Star grand hotel, one Dennis. Not Eben. Just one Wing, or one Dennis, maybe Jonathon shut up or tie up, go with his wife.

You all carry one folder = all the things you written about 400 millions thing you hate the guys for. Someone might sponsor you all that, just be in the grand hotel 5 Star, those conference room for a 2 days meeting room, meaning you stay there 3 days or 5 I guess.

You openly just telling the girls or the guys all around, what you really really really wish to do to the guys in the end of that road, someone will tell you what they all find the combination TV materials as your happiest day, because you heard, or you know, that will not work. All your happiest day I am telling you forever.

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