Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Right, their whomever, you mean...the co-workers or the girls?

I might be a guy, but it might be worsen I say a certain thing, because from that Most High, I will tell you ....

1. Its a lot more pity and sympathy from the Most High God means as an Older Man, the Older God. Some higher God has very basic sympathy not knowing, not hearing, not caring about. But its from God.

2. My money will never be yours, if not these girls trying to take that guy might be Kian or Shane. You cannot do side by side by side. We keep happening this stupidity never end, really. 

3. Sympathy would be as a Most What kind of the Guy, seeing that guy next by you. That guy, that one person you as a girl you pretend you really don't care, or you cannot care, or you should have cared, or you always make yourself more options on your phone.

4. One day gradually the years drift away, it didn't keep in touch, and they really met every other kinds of the girls, no, not me. Let's say 1, and then 16th girls, let's say dinner, or lunch included. Or some kind of ...I don't know, the guy, the guy's next by family, whom have the family of someone else all around the family structure guys + the women, those kinds.

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