Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Have you been to the University medical center? I did. American waiting hours are 6 hours at night time.

The Asia in any regular hospital, you can just walk in.

10:37:  Same TV - 斛珠夫人

Between Nicky or Shane those talks, its not my facebook. I am very sure Nicky or Shane can see it, whichever you need to manipulate, that is what you mean it.  Your accidental insurance is very high, I keep repeating it to you. 

When I saying Zawanna, you intend to say you care, you cannot care, you jealous, you are not. One of those stupid IQ argument, while your percentile will never rise up by how much? Your IQ. Soon that 5-10 years pass, your UB them will change their claims.

Its nothing but the American Medical Board. 

The classified materials do not need to contain only the medical board in 194 countries their practices and the humanity reason what they are or how it is. To the final verdict to the final judgement I give everyone every world a very severe warning. Those are not the standard. 

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