Wednesday, September 6, 2023



Right, no. Not that ROC or the ABC democratic guy (Both looks like Eben Pagan 蔣萬安 and 吳儀農). If its the current President she never left Taiwan one of those, the first lady or the first boy school of such it means something. You mean the lady 42 years one, that couch fill up the clothing on the television, she is the first lady school, lawyer, and licensed, and the legislator. It will be similar to that Liu Champion case. His wife is the gun and the guard one of those or his pa was. 

When people being select like the first lady school, they probably stay in Taiwan those local people whom has the IQ, this gun and guard team have the height, IQ and appearance. Must, or you will be kick out the next semester. Every single one of them.

I don't think the yesterday that 2 women photo, you as the American cannot tell their faces? If you pull their cheek fat down, like the slumpy old women with those hair due.....I didn't see samsara, yo, I am telling you, the local slang, to those high due hair.


Me and Square knows about it. In 2014 we talk about it. If she tried to be acting normal, its a lot better. Its every generation of that grandpa Rao's family, but he was dead anyway. Me and Square knows our side. 

Irene is....about....that. Shen's grandmom side, too. 

Square doesn't have that kind of the face, I have. I know what that is. 

Its every year they have that, for those 2 Eben Pagan looking guy, the Taiwan Legislator. Their parents will not tell them. I their age group near by, I will tell them that.

My classmate 10th grade Perfect, she is. No, not in Westlife video, the Perfect before her. We have 2 semester in the 10th grades. She was in America then come back, and capable to examine out to our school, but she is very tall. She probably gets to one of those University of Virginia. 

I was never about the school, I will tell you. I only care about the money. I know America is that kind of the country. Rise up without the academia meaning Harvard. Money. I will always say money, never the power. Not I look. Not my language, I don't know how to talk in First Category major. I don't know how to talk in Chinese. No.

No, I never did learn. 

I cannot, I don't really know how. 

... Of course I know what it says. You are aging, you ex ex President. Your wife's aging facts or the ourney? You got lucky because Biden is old, or lives old, or he is not that sabotage himself.

These swing the guns?

They have to one of those bigs. In America, you called them the fratenity or the sorority idea, right...but in the sports arena, we are so small in Asia, meaning only whom are in the Sports arena and the gun and the guard teams knows. 

Usually the big got selected into the real team, that will teach the younger ones, those stay because they make it.  If you go near to one of these girls, they will talking a lot more like the instructional similar to the baseball or the volleyball represent the school team. Except, we will not be known. Its number less almost not to make it a game, but that tradition its every year true. You have to evolve, with the skill - the sports are the skills.

And instruct. 

Correct, everyone is the "Big" once 11th grade to the 10th grade, you mean like Vicky? Right...they are not a thing inside their own classroom, so there is outside she and Jason. Not a thing inside their own very classroom. IQ I don't know. They as they themselves, have probably no attribute to stay in the school.

You have to be super responsible, so that entire things can exist.

The basketball

The volleyball

The Gun and the Guard.

Right, that basketball girl. In class, she does that in the 10th grade. No, we never really talk. She only does that when she returns inside the classroom, as if that is 2 different living world, and I physically know what world that is in my side volleyball right next by the basketball court, that entire swimming pool got tear apart in the video, I saw on the weekend. 

She is one girl inside her parents home. 

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