Thursday, September 7, 2023

"A lot of this things say, or the ET meant..."

"Try to stay indoor, and away some of those....possible caualty, after if I becoming aware of the TV is true, or the news, or the media? I used to never have those inside my life, at all. "

" Otter never dies too..."

" Remember this people? You still believe those life when you go home, those. Things so many beige in color. "

"Right, Wing eating those. You trying how many Asian video or the Asian cooking, you like those, or you personal eating your own food? You are?"

"Taiwan Youtuber is inside their life, and you yourself inside your own very life. Its just a monitor in front of you, you see?! You have one weekend to sleep in an empty room, its the noise without them? The family in one house, this kind of the American situate places. "

"You didn't see any guy does anything for you all over the UB Map"

"You have any place to go? Wing has any place to go? I talked to American Medical Board in my in-line phone here, you see. Its wired, not just wireless if I want to. So this house is quiet just 2 people or his gf, or his University life one of those. Shane and Nicky too. "

"You know what your 10 years ago look like that time? Struggling with your back end shirt?"

"Here we come to talk about head injury, right. My mother's every morning.  How does these profile ends? In fact no one does a thing 10 years ago, or 10 years later. No one think as the American Medical Board does a thing. They like their high school knowing them, they have the pen power. 20 years, never change these people reflective mind.  ....Its one of the words you all put inside this OU language. We aren't coming here to reflect? "

"I never think I change 10 years ago, to pretend this job, that is a regent, or that is 10 MD's jobs. No, they didn't or not capable to do anything else, no money, and no brain. Not every step they copy paste me. But here is the probably the closet story you can find, or I made that."

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