Tuesday, September 12, 2023

還在看 10:37 - 斛珠夫人


It will never happen, so that face...its not real. The real Statue you still don't understand. It will never happen. The Statues of the Power.


When you intend to acting like the TV 當你們想要演的跟電視一樣

There is a part of the Life and the reality in which you live through, its just as real as the time as the present meant true.  




This video you didn't think, when someone can trigger the law from one side, to even make the entire one country like that kind.....idiot to move what? 40 years ago, that must be something so real, it must not the gold on my hair to say the actual money isn't it?

這電視裡面你並沒有真的想過,當有人可以 trigger 任何法定程序的一邊底達到另外一邊,這整個大陸只有...某種自障的改變是? 40 年之前,這一定是非常真實的,這不會跟金子跟我的頭髮一樣真誠吧 ? 不是嗎 ?

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